
I think it can be because of the bad reputation he has, he was worried that no one would believe he was trying to save her but will be accused as trying to harm her instead. So he just got her to a safe place, and might be at the same time Red hair dude appears so he didn't want to get wrongly accused and just disappeared knowing that she got the help and she's safe now?
I mean many scenarios can turn out to be the case but his reputation is a major factor.
OMG GUYSS do u remember the part where ilya was drowning in the pond and she saw her saviour's silhouette... I knew that silhouette looked like karhan when i first saw it..
What if his hair only looked red cuz of the sunset's glow? And karhan probably was the one who pulled her out of the pond and left her on the grass and that's when the red btch later found her unconscious and helped her.
The missing button on karhan's old coat must be the one ilya had all this time!! Oh mann she had been loving the wrong person all along- i can't wait for this part to be revealeddd adgdjkd
Also karhan is such a sweet gentle cinnamonroll, must protecc.