He still has a strong personality. He's not one of those crybabies in the sense he sits there and doesn't do anything- he's more like a howling cat that fights it's hardest. Even when he's crying his personality is still hardheaded, determined and action oriented. Definitely not weak willed and won't let anyone walk over him. He doesn't do any of the "woe is me" stuff.
His personality is definitely strong. He chooses when he wants to act like a baby, and does it to get what he wants in a manipulative (yet endearing) way.
He's like a headstrong toddler. If you pushed him over on the playground he wouldn't sit there and cry. No, he'd get up with tears streaming and get into a tussle with the other kid- pulling at hair like a hellion. He'd still be covered in tears at the end, but he wouldn't just wait for someone to help him up. (Exception being him playing baby for his family and ML, bit only to get his way.)
So less cry baby more drama queen. BUT I can totally see how that isn't everyone's cup of tea! And, may still be considered a "crybaby" to those who don't want MC to show tears unless it's a deeply intense moment. Which if that's the bar he'd deffo be a crybaby!
Cry I got cover baited