I reread that part of the novel just so I could let you know but basically like Nize said it's Nashas older 2 sisters get impregnanted by these dog hybrid things in a live show in front of the crown prince and Nasha. How did the sisters end up like this? Basically as told already Nasha was sold as a sacrifice and her parents recieved a bunch of money but since Nasha was no longer the sacrifice (as shes the crown princes fiance) MC decided to fuck up the family and demanded Nashas family to repay the money. Nashas family have already used all the money so they sell the two eldest sisters who are now going to be forcibly raped by dog beasts

Nah... it ain't like he's taking revenge on them for selling their kids...
Nasha doesn't know she was sold and loves her family dearly. She messed with Mc's family and he paid her back many times worse.
I'll give the spoilers on them: the 2 sisters were sold as "breeding partners" for the magical beast (dog)... and their youger brother... was sold as smex slave after recovering his health... and iirc their parents also turned to slavery too...

But like, we’re the siblings aware of the “selling the sister to be sacrificed” thing and we’re all for it? That’s what I mean, I know they have the wrong image of the family but was the WHOLE family pushing for sacrificing the sister? Bc the parents 100% were in it (what was their punishment?) but I feel for the other kids if they didn’t know :/

They sold her to cure their youngest and only son. I believe the parents were turned into slaves too. The son idk, but the daughters I believe knew since they were involved in the excuse as to where the parents got money from. The twin I'm sure didn't know, the others... if they didn't know before they probably learned after.
Also, I believe the siblings blame Nasha for what happened to them. After all all bad things happened to them because she seduced the cp and stopped being the shine maiden. But I actually feel Nasha's ending was less worse than her siblings tbh...
Do you think they're actually gonna draw the dog scene with Marie?