There's a 19+ scene where ML OOC into a wattpad 'beast' if you get my drift...
The two do the deed a couple of times and most of the time dude is rough and demanding like 'beastly' ugh. Like bro, right after he says "It's okay, I'll wait for your response" (After confessing to MC) MC thanks him and goes to her room and cries because it emotionally overwhelming...THEN BAMM! KAEL STRUTS IN AND KISSES HER TONGUE AND ALL AND THEY FUCK?!?!
(╯#`Д `)╯╧╧
I think the second time he just straights up shoves it in her (no foreplay just- THRUST!) cause you know, jealousy, possessiveness, insecurities. Blah blah.
I dropped the novel after Kael decided to stop the nobles from dethroning Diana and Hellios asking Hessia if dethroning Diana was what she really wanted. (Something about making Diana realize the true consequences of her actions and to feel true regret. And that dethroning Diane wasn't the best way to do it, it was 'better' to let her suffer slowly, being mocked for the rest of her royal life while Kael does fuck all)
I am hoping the Webtoon changes things up as even the Korean folks on the novel were baffled by the writing. ("Not delicious" in regards the chapter haha).
So I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worse.( ̄へ ̄)
I dunno how to feel about this story anymore...I really like it and I went to read the novel after chapter 90 of the webtoon came out but....Holy hell did the writing dropped...
I don't even want to go check what mumber chapter that was, I think 31? But christ Kael OOC hard. I got heart burn(bad), and I wanna yonk MC out of there. (╥﹏╥)