(kinda) Feel bad for Jaehan

I_AM_A_SALTED_FISH June 20, 2024 7:05 am

If you haven't read the manhua and are reading the comment section to feel it out, skip this comment.

I honestly feel bad for Jaehan. You may wonder, 'how can you feel bad for Jaehan?'. Well, even though we read from his perspective, we haven't really thought in his perspective. From what I read, Jaehan is emotionally stunted. He lost all his memories at the age of nine, right? That means whoever he was is gone, but also his emotional growth would have to start over. Now I'm not saying he has no emotions, but it is hard to know emotions when you have no reference or memory to put with it. It's like how do you know you're happy? Because you have felt it before and have a memory that defines happiness. So getting that explanation out of the way would make sense why Jaehan treated Heegyum the way he did. After the age of nine, it's pretty much clear that Jaehan's grandfather molded him into a perfect heir, unfeeling, calculated. He wasn't taught happiness, love, ect. So if he sees something, 'heebyum', that makes him uncomfortable, his thought is 'I don't like it.' And to be frank, that is what Jaehan was, uncomfortable. Jaehan being raised to basically not fear the law and money = connections = I can do anything, makes his decision to remove the uncomfortable thing from sight. Is this wrong? Yes, it is. But can I sympathize and try to understand why he did what he did? Yes. Of course, this is all my opinion. So the story continues with Jaehan having difficulty putting his emotions together and they finally have the happy ending. I'm not really gonna comment about Jaehan's other questionable acts, such as 'hwade' because he really didn't mean it, and I'm pretty sure everyone has said something mean while in anger.
