ML said (the English translation version) “what am I doing fucking a little kid? I’m such a perv” and lots of readers have been commenting on how that’s very pedophilic, and the English version without context does feel like what jared fogle would say, but through context it’s just kinky sex talk between two consenting adults lol.

exactlyyy. We’re all reading a beautiful smutty fucked up manhwa with betrayal and murder, MC and ML both are broken and fucked up but fiercely in love with each other, even wanting to escape their toxic environment and raise kids together-
it’s really one of the best manhwas I’ve read lately, it’s sad that people try to twist it into pedo stuff when it’s been clear that has nothing to do with how these two weirdos fell in love.

Some people use pedophilia, grooming, rapist alot these days quite easily even tho the context is not related to it and they get sensitive about a lot of unnecessary things.
I too really like this story, it keeps me on egde, the psychological aspect and thrill is what I'm here for, I love both main charaters dynamics. I couldn't agree with you more also some people really need to chill!!
Y’all I think his kinky age play comment got pedo-fied in translation lmao ╮( ̄▽ ̄) he’s only 4 years-ish older, but the ML has a possessive streak a hundred mile wide, gets so fired up when the MC calls him oppa, and from their very first smut scene, MC loved asking him if he thought he’s so cute in bed, and wants to be babied while being railed, both of them match each other’s freak so much haha
Love them both, there’s probably cameras in that room, hope the guy doesn’t betray them for that vindictive lady