Am I the only one reading a different series? I hated almost all of the characters except...

Anonymous February 21, 2017 12:26 pm

Am I the only one reading a different series? I hated almost all of the characters except the MC and his middle school friend (black butterfly boy). The devil tail girl is a bitch that caused MCs bullying in the first place. The glasses boy tried to make the MC into a social pariah by shifting all the blame of someone else onto him. Lets not mention the freaking fairy wings girl! She f*cking tried to emotionally kill people for her own jealousy! This is supposed to be romcom? Most of the characters are f*cking arseholes! They treat the MC like SH*t, and its all forgive and forgotten after a while? Take care of your problems by yourself, arseholes!

    GrapeKiwi July 16, 2017 11:01 pm

    I agree lol. The only ones I like is the MC, his best friend, and Rei