I'm happy that Anna made it out of this fuckass mansion. I had no hope for Lily since the ...

Yuno June 20, 2024 1:44 am

I'm happy that Anna made it out of this fuckass mansion. I had no hope for Lily since the early chapters bc who in their right mind confesses their love to one person and then another with just hours apart? Not to forget she chose Rose over Anna AFTER finding out that Rose was lying to her face the whole time? Like how dumb can you be?

"Oh but she wasn't loved by her family, she doesn't know what love is it's not her fault"
Yes Bethany it is her fault. I wasn't loved by my family either yet I ain't going around like a b in heat, choosing a hoe I met for 3 days over my childhood friend and declaring my love to her mere hours after I told my friend I loved her. Also let's not forget how Lily was so eager to kiss Rose and visit Roses chambers before Anna rejected to be physical with her. Don't get me wrong I understand why she is acting this way but that doesn't mean I agree or have to like it.

The traumas and scars you have can tell a person WHY you are acting a certain way but they cannot excuse them.

Anyway I'm getting waaay to worked up over fictional characters lol but what pains me the most is that such beautiful art is wasted on this bad story. We could have masterpieces with this beautiful art but here we are. Anyway time to go read actual good gls.

    AreYouSerious? June 20, 2024 8:44 am

    Keep in mind that the story is a kind of fetish porn called ntr, and therefore Lily acts in a certain way so that you as a reader will get angry, and Anna has only one role. To suffer. Pointless story if you ask me.