understand what pick me first means before dumping that harsh label to anyone because as far as i am reading the mc is not putting anyone down just for validation. he is even struggling with inner confidence.
but yeah ur trying to put others down for validation so pick me it is, the right label for u

you finally knew wow congrats for throwing that kind of insult without even knowing the reason and for actually not knowing what that means. he is not even acting intentionally childish, he is just overwhelmed and shy with all the interactions he is having with his crush so not pick me. like i have said understand that word first, to not make urself look stupid.
and yes i will be pressed over this bc people like u throwing kinds of insult like a pick me to just anybody are the worst kind of ppl regina george mean girls wannabe. it is indeed fiction but ur negative attitude isn't fiction...
"wag ka iyak" is also a very childish response pls know that.... so if by YOUR definition, setting the paramaters, being childish is pick me then YOU are the very definition of pick me

Bro the artsryle is the reason why he has that kinda childish personality since his eyes are like a child i commented it I COMMENTED THIS SHIT IN CHAPTER 3 WITHOUT KNOWING THE REST OF THE STORY i mean all of the hate are on the recent chapters dude plus why does he look at me like that twinkle in his eyes he kinda looks like a twink ☠ plus why are you so upset about what i COMMENTED? Like i said ITS FICTION!! I aint gonna say ts irl i wont cause MEN DONT LOOK LIKE THOSE IRL
Childish face with a childish personality kinda like a pick me as expected (edit: this kinda reminds me of cherry doll scandal its a manwha abt idols and the uke here reminds me of that uke there some people also dont like how the uke is wayy to NAIVE thats why theres abit of hate plus the embarrasing moments so read that if you like ts)
(Yall are taking my comment WAYYY TOO seriously like cmon? Wym im putting someone down and making them sad? Like aint no way yall feel bad abt a pixelated character.. ☠ can we not hate A PIXEL, A MERE DRAWING, A MANGA CHARACTER, A CHARACTER THATS NOT REAL anymore??