i need to write down a list about all the stuff lol but i'm confused about the creator's n...

lia June 20, 2024 12:45 am

i need to write down a list about all the stuff lol but i'm confused about the creator's note saying they will explain the grade of the daughter??

wife died in december 10y ago (2007), daughter was born in september (if it's the account mentioned before that gets 70% of the money), story is in october 2017 right now, so i see no issue even if she's 10, i mean anyway unless she was born in late dec it works out lol? (aside from silon easily faking her age) aren't 5th graders in the US 10-11 y/o?

unlike our dear mr. epsilon 666 himself who was a failed anti-growth anti-aging experiment but was only 11 in 1991 at the fall of the soviet union, too early to be considered a fail and too early to really work much aside from what one would need "anti-growth + anti-aging" for rich ppl for..
