I forgot the name

Hahan't June 19, 2024 7:21 pm

It was a historical full color manhwa with isekai
The mc is the top korean actress and has gained a lot of praise and awards, but deep down she has had a very difficult and lonely childhood as an abused or orphaned child. It shows that for all her life she had the same dream of a naive noble girl being betrayed by her blood brother and used as a tool to get revenge on their father. So in every dream that girl meets a miserable death.
But one day mc suffers an accident, dies and is transmigrated to the body of that noble girl.

Its then revelead by a god overseeing their case that he had made a mistake and originally the mc and other girl should have been in each other bodies but he late on could make the switch. That made mc really mad cuz it meant that both of them knew about one another through those same dreams and has suffered terrible lives just bcz of his Mistake.

I think the noble girl was blond same as her brother, they had a step brother
