BIA was written before FF and even though the stories have some of the same characters, they are not related. It says so in the beginning of BIA and the Author's have confirmed this. Therefore, FF Sarge would not have touched Coal like BIA Sarge, Sarge didn't die, Coal wasnt left alone and he didn't fall in love with Dio or Mondo, etc.
I just skimmed through the second plot not really read it but decided I'm gonna act like it didn't exist
Also the last threesome play was fine and all but they didn't negotiate a safeword and a non verbal gesture before the gagged play
It was such a weird read not bad tho
I liked the whole family stuff but it has porn logic
Like the brother watching them
The sergeant talking of his late wife's sex life non stop felt wrong to me
I was so afraid that the author was gonna do the adopted parent/child incest route thank the yaoi gods the author didn't do that