No romance

SaySay June 19, 2024 7:53 am

If Baphomet was ugly both valkyrie and reaper wouldn't even look his way cause he would just be a ugly dude with a shitty personality. I don't know about valkyrie but reaper has a lot of power and money to look for her a boyfriend that's compatible for her by looking for all they information just like she did for Baphomet. Then there that problem alot of authors do when they write a story with romance in they plot.The mc/fmc who never traveled outside they country or kingdom stuck there for pretty much all they life to fall in love so easy.Like let Baphomet who is new to his emotions experience life before romance let him travel the world. He has a better chance of finding someone on his trip around the world but no you give us two females who both only attract hot guys with shitty personality that only talk about there selves. I not cheering for neither girls Baphomet better finding a girl that likes to fight or something then dealing with those two like they ain't the only two on the planet

    LaNansha July 2, 2024 4:51 pm

    Uh… Reaper wasn’t looking his way though. She stated he wasn’t his type when they first got together and she was far too interested in the tower and the monsters inside it. She had this idea that they could also be at peace with those monsters. That made me feel like she might be interested in him if she found out that he was truly baphomet. Her thinking about him now that she knows he has feelings for her is completely okay. They’ve essentially been friends for months so her feelings have a lot more depth.

    TaetaeCollarbone July 7, 2024 12:54 pm

    That's literally not what happened tho
    Valkyrie liked him for his rebel personality which seemed a bit superficial which the mc could sense and hence why he was not interested in her at all.
    Whereas it was the mc who fell for Reaper first and not the other way round.
    I don't get why you think it was Reaper who was chasing him. Seems a bit one directional as if you've been mixing this story with other stories