hayden being hot and cold

dulcedays June 19, 2024 7:28 am

him being like you didn't contact me for 30 days but HE also didn't contact brett for 30 days so he clearly thinks all the power is in brett's hands. but from brett's pov hayden just shows up and is cold and aloof like no i have to leave rn even though brett invites him to stay to hang out, so brett is like "oh are you here to talk about scheduling for your rut?" bc brett probably assumes that's what hayden wants.

    Buntronbo June 19, 2024 8:17 am

    You know, you like the only person, i know who has same opinion about Hayden with me. Most the fan i know, all said Hayden is pitiful, he is abandoned by Brett, Brett is cold, Hayden oneside-love is sad and not even realize Hayden is being cold and push-back first. And in future chapter, Hayden being even more unreasonable if we see thing in Brett’s pov. Yeah, Brett is hard to understand too but I wouldn’t blame everything on him.
    I love Hayden a lot, but he being so insecure and indenial is also make this relationship go dead-end alot.
    Everyone said Brett need to change and love Hayden more. i said Hayden also need a lot character development. Take back your power my baby boy Hayden!

    woosan_99 June 19, 2024 10:49 am
    You know, you like the only person, i know who has same opinion about Hayden with me. Most the fan i know, all said Hayden is pitiful, he is abandoned by Brett, Brett is cold, Hayden oneside-love is sad and not... Buntronbo

    someone being realistic and down to earth on this site is not a common occurrence fs ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭, people just tend to take the mc's side most times cause it's the only straight-forward pov, while for other povs you gotta do more critical thinking

    Buntronbo June 19, 2024 11:31 am
    someone being realistic and down to earth on this site is not a common occurrence fs ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭, people just tend to take the mc's side most times cause it's the only straight-forward pov, while for oth... woosan_99

    Yeah, i hate it when some people acting like Hayden is pure victim of Brett’s cold heart or something. Sure Brett is manipulate Hayden come to him in short story, but he also the person who give Hayden choice to either accept this fwb relationship with him or just ignore it. Brett can blackmail Hayden to do so but he doesn’t do that, he give Hayden time to think and Hayden is the one who grab his hand immediately.
    Hayden in this relationship by choice. He know what he get from it, still he keep being distant and judgmental with Brett when all Brett do is tried to make this relationship work for their own benefit. I don’t said Brett is perfect and do no wrong, he seem lack of empathy and not good at understand human emotions for sure, that need some growing, but at least he put a lot effort to make this relationship comfortable for Hayden. And Hayden keep being angry at Brett without telling Brett what make he fell unsatisfied.
    I also doesn’t said Hayden is bad, but he also need a lot of growing too, same with Brett. Their need put a lot of work together to make this relationship work, thing just getting started for them.
    I just wish their start communication more.
    Hope their can be open up and trusting eachother more.

    dulcedays June 20, 2024 1:33 am
    You know, you like the only person, i know who has same opinion about Hayden with me. Most the fan i know, all said Hayden is pitiful, he is abandoned by Brett, Brett is cold, Hayden oneside-love is sad and not... Buntronbo

    thank youuuu you're right ppl get sucked into the main pov so easily without thinking about the cues that brett is getting from hayden (who keeps everything inside). the author is probably doing that on purpose which is super smart character writing (i wonder if we'll get more more brett's pov in the second season?). but if you actually think about the interactions brett isn't trying to be cold he's chill and down for anything and honestly nice enough to bring hayden to the benefit event and spend time with him. meanwhile hayden is the one very passively not initiating anything bc of his own pride and insecurities about the kind of person he thinks brett is/has been warned that brett is, so he always comes off cagey and cold. which is why (SPOILER (though i think you've read it already)) that last chapter of the season is sooo important bc i think it helps brett realize hayden's feelings and it's also hayden taking initiative for once.

    Buntronbo June 20, 2024 2:17 am
    thank youuuu you're right ppl get sucked into the main pov so easily without thinking about the cues that brett is getting from hayden (who keeps everything inside). the author is probably doing that on purpose... dulcedays

    Yeah if Brett not realize how serious Hayden’s feeling for him, Brett probably (spoiler) gonna casual break thing up with Hayden when he graduate, same with quitting football, his deep passion sport.
    I do feel sad when Hayden realize the future in Brett’s plan, he doesn’t even think about having Hayden by his side. Even more sad that right after Hayden finally relax and opened up with Brett…
    So the thing Hayden did for Brett probably change Brett’s mind a lot.
    But still the author is trauma Brett a little too much lol, I really hope his personality not changing too much because of trauma.

    Buntronbo June 20, 2024 2:38 am

    I think the author have her own plan.
    I still think how funny is it that, Hayden’s pov is like a coming of age, romance movie about one-side secret love with cold-heart rich play-boy or something.
    But Brett’s pov is so scary violent, survival horror mode lol, and have like two, one with Hayden’s rut and the last episode ss1. So i think the story gonna be super different in Brett’s pov.

    blackberry June 20, 2024 3:13 pm

    i mean, from hayden’s perspective he thinks brett only sees him as his fuck buddy, which is not exactly a lie. brett is rich while hayden isn’t and let’s not forget the story started because brett offered money to hayden in exchange for help with his homework. even that lady at the event warned him to not take their relationship too seriously or else he would end up disappointed. brett acts in a frivolous way in hayden’s eyes and for hayden, who has yet to realize his own feelings, it sucks.

    i don’t think brett is a bad person nor that hayden is perfect, just that i can see both perspectives.

    Buntronbo June 20, 2024 4:26 pm
    i mean, from hayden’s perspective he thinks brett only sees him as his fuck buddy, which is not exactly a lie. brett is rich while hayden isn’t and let’s not forget the story started because brett offered... blackberry

    I not saying he have to trust Brett 100%. I like that he doesn’t.
    But the way he push Brett away when he clearly the one who agreed with Brett offer? And then he also being sad because Brett is ignore him when he is the one who ignore and being cold with Brett first? That Hayden choice, Brett not forcing him, he wanting more from Brett and do nothing about it beside getting mad and sad by himself.
    Like i said, I love Hayden, he is cute but the way he act sometimes is really unreasonable if we see thing from Brett pov. he keep being mad with Brett without telling Brett what bothering him.
    He keep being silent and being sad by himself and let Brett be the only one who put effort to maintaining this relationship. Like dulce said he put all the power in Brett hand.
    If not because the last moment, I doubt Brett even think Hayden want anything that serious with him. Like he look shock when Hayden said he want to take him to the gym after graduate. Because he don’t know Hayden want to be with him. Like how he even know with the way Hayden act?

    dulcedays June 21, 2024 9:12 am
    i mean, from hayden’s perspective he thinks brett only sees him as his fuck buddy, which is not exactly a lie. brett is rich while hayden isn’t and let’s not forget the story started because brett offered... blackberry

    yea for sure, i'm not blaming hayden for anything at all, just pointing out that he has a biased view (just like brett probably does!). i think this is a story about two very different types of ppl who also have different ways of navigating the world, so there is miscommunication + misunderstanding (like there is in irl, which is why this story is so good!) i just don't like how ppl straight up are depicting this in terms of who's "right" and who's "wrong"

    Nobody June 22, 2024 12:17 am

    What you’re saying makes perfect sense, it takes 2 to tango and especially since the relationship started as a business transaction, neither Brett or a Hayden have any reason to think the other wants more of their relationship.
    Obviously both are catching feelings, but at the same time their relationship works for them as is as well.