Guess I'm just biased. Plain and simple.

AXCEL June 19, 2024 12:50 am

..... no.... it just doesn't sit right with me.
Maybe because I already have this strong dislike against Vercike from the previous chapters that his backstory doesn't move me but makes me dislike him even more (dunno why)

Guess I should just reread this arc later on when I have a fuller picture and less..... emotionally biased...?

Also. WOAH. So Aman's been corrupted since WAY before (maybe 'cause they were spoiled rotten by Cain....? Idk I'm just guessing around. Can'twaitforthe bigreveal)

For some reason..... the comment section reminds of the team edward vs team jacob or team gale vs team peeta fiasco

    BigButtEnthusiast June 19, 2024 10:40 am

    You don't have to like every character just because the author likes them (ik the author likes vercike way too much) like I hate him and I don't think I'll ever like him

    AXCEL June 19, 2024 11:14 am
    You don't have to like every character just because the author likes them (ik the author likes vercike way too much) like I hate him and I don't think I'll ever like him BigButtEnthusiast

    True! I agree!
    But.... I also like to vent (and have a tendency to check if there's anything I find likeable about a villain)

    And.... I just realised as I'm typing that the comment section might've become over saturated with hate/love comments/debates and my comment might not be helping hahaha

    BigButtEnthusiast June 19, 2024 1:50 pm
    True! I agree! But.... I also like to vent (and have a tendency to check if there's anything I find likeable about a villain)And.... I just realised as I'm typing that the comment section might've become over ... AXCEL

    There's a whole ass war going on lol, team agia vs team vercike