Is chapter 292 the end?

Lioness94 June 18, 2024 10:18 pm

Does the series end here at chapter 292? It does seem like a nice spot to stop with how the chapter ended, but what about our space crew? How are they??
I need to know!!!

    Aurora June 18, 2024 11:31 pm

    if its cuz of that licensing page at the very end of the chapter then no it doesnt mean thats the end cuz i saw the same page on another manga's latest chapter called "shang ra li frontier" dunno if i spelled that right

    Lioness94 June 19, 2024 6:43 am

    Thanks for the reply! I'm not thinking that it's the end because of the licensing page, but because other stories would have probably ended it like that, with the main characters being sort of reborn(?) and living a good life on the planet they saved.

    And a little side note: I think you're talking about Shangri-la Frontier. I don't read or watch it, but I do remember that the anime was spelled this way when it aired a while ago.