Yeah agreed... the comments spoiled it for me back at like chapter 10. And everyone keeps replying to every comment saying who the author is... which is a major spoiler... there's a reason for spoiler tags. Not everyone wants spoilers :( I would have liked to read it wondering... and then re-read knowing and seeing everything from a different light

I know there's no spoiler tag for replies which is why most of the time I see people enter spoilers down a few lines so they don't spoil people who don't what spoilers.
Comments are for talking about story and making comments... yes some people want spoilers and that's their right to want that... but it's also a right to be able to engage with the story without constant spoilers hence the tag for topics. But this is the only story I've seen at the moment where there are active spoilers to most comments where people aren't asking for spoilers. And it's been happening since the early chapters uploaded... immediately spoiling the major twist/plotpoint at from early uploads just seems a bit mean?... idk like it takes away from just enjoying reading it particularly early one.
OP didn't ask for spoilers or answers here... they were just sharing their thoughts about the character. That's all I'm saying... different if they asked for spoilers. Not saying this as an attack on you btw... just noticed that it's happened a lot on this manhwa in particular.

if u look at op's reply to my reply they were happy abt the spoiler lmao also this manhwa is consistently spoiled every time a new chapter comes out especially on social media apps like tiktok (literally how i came to find out abt said spoilers) anyway it's a very common thing for comics like this to get spoiled in the comment sections since theyre highly anticipated by people who read the novel and cant control the spoilers out of excitement so if u really dont want spoilers on a piece of media that's been awaiting an adaptation for ages and it finally gets one then dont interact with the fanbase at all bcs 9/10 times there will be spoilers on basically anything linked to it whether it be comments, the actual post itself or the account posting it and im not trying to be rude since i know how annoying it is to be spoiled on something but over the years ive learned to deal with it and just pretend i didnt read the spoiler/act like it never exists, reading something else or doing a different activity helps with forgetting about the spoiler

Since I started this let me end this.
Hope you are doing fine especially after this clarification. I never said that you can't put spoilers here nor did I say that the op is unhappy all I'm asking is to HOLD YOUR HORSES. YES, it is true that spoilers are common but IF YOU ARE A GOOD SPORT you will answer only the question that they asked no need for further infos. YOU MIGHT WONDER WHY and I am glad that I have time to write this as explanation. THE MANWHA is taking scenes that WAS IN THE NOVEL and YOU MIGHT AS WELL IF YOU DO READ THE NOVEL notice that there are bunch of changes happening in this manhwa. I am very happy that this series got an adaptation since I LITERALLY PAID someone to translate the novel for me. Though I knew how this series end, what makes me subscribe to the Manhwa adaptation was because the ARTIST (blessed their heart) go beyond and portray the characters better than the description in the novel. The one managing this series was doing so good that few people notice the changes and added scenarios to fit the taste of manhwa readers.
Now if you care enough to read until the end you might want to have a self-reflection. Reading is fun, spoilers are common but DO NOT LET IT SPOIL the tracks of the story and ruin it for someone else. You have to bear this in mind and you might find yourself a responsible fellow reader like others.

nah im good and again they'd be bound to get spoiled by someone/something else anyway?? especially if theyre active on social media and regularly interact with manhwa content but again if they just go about their days and do other activities theyll eventually forget abt the spoiler and will live on with their life also getting spoiled really isnt that big a deal since u can still enjoy the story while knowing the ending/whole plot of it? or maybe that's just me and a few other people idk but either way have a good life and maybe bring that argument to those who actively spread spoilers on popular social media areas like tiktok, X and other platforms
I fucking hater ai dont care if she's getting controlled or whatever she's a slut she want both of them like broh ヽ(`Д´)ノ