Woohoo that was a funny start. The face he makes when he receive that love letter lol I'm waiting for next chapter. And for the translator, Hanni-san, you did a good job. Thanks for your hard work!!
Ooh thank you all for liking this! I'm almost done with chapter two. I actually want to do the valentine extra since it's still Feb but that doesn't seem to make sense chronologicallu
Ooh thank you all for liking this! I'm almost done with chapter two. I actually want to do the valentine extra since it's still Feb but that doesn't seem to make sense chronologicallu Hanni
Oh no, I should thank you for translating this. It's okay if it doesn't make sense chronologically, I still enjoy it. (That umbrella rose tho pffft) Also, I'm relieved you didn't have to break down in 'pi ddam nunmul' for translating this chapter lol XD
Woohoo that was a funny start. The face he makes when he receive that love letter lol I'm waiting for next chapter.
And for the translator, Hanni-san, you did a good job. Thanks for your hard work!!