I would’ve agreed had you not said him “cheating” is worse than the abuse Ines did to him. Abuse and cheating is just as bad, but abuse is worse here because she wanted the “cheating” to happen and didn’t care.
Now if Carcel cheated during their marriage where they committed finally, then I would’ve agreed with you mostly. But he didn’t, this was before.
Ines is too stuck with her trauma to be fooling around. And I’m glad she didn’t, it wouldn’t make sense with her character. As for Carcel, he was manipulated into it, not that he loved doing it. There’s a difference.
I also don’t like characters that sleep around regardless if they’re together or single, but I’m just glad author doesn’t show the sex and that there’s an explanation for it.
As you said, neglect can be explained. And so can cheating! But both can’t be excused in some situations.

He could have just bid his time and done his own plotting lol of course as a kid he had no say but that doesn't mean it has to stay that way
I think in a time where political marriages are normal I don't really see it as "poor him" like political marriages are normal! It was going to happen eventually lol especially bc lovers after marriage is also very normalized (the queen even has a harem???)
What I meant by divorce was that if he was THAT unwilling to marry her he could have plotted for her to divorce him no matter what or something a long those lines idk give me some fighting spirit Carcel!!! Him folding so quickly for Ines makes his cheating look even more icky
I do agree that the manwha did him wrong (cheating in my eyes makes me automatically place him in the no thanks category) but objectively speaking I feel like the pacing of the manwha feels too fast? He went from seemingly cheating scumbag to whipped golden retriever so quickly I was like huh???? + all his jealousy at the start doesn't really hit me as something cute mainly bc I'm always like "who are you to feel jealous???"

I don’t remember the exact reason why he didn’t divorce but most likely it’s about Ines’s status if HE divorces her. Women divorced by men in that time is more looked down than men divorced by women I think, or about both but yeah.
Carcel isn’t someone who’d just dump someone and leave them behind. Sure his actions may be icky to some but that is just one flaw of him, not that he’s irredeemable or BAD. Nope. And I don’t think the folded that quickly, but honestly be so serious, who wouldn’t fold for her that quick after she gives you attention?
I wouldn’t say he’s a scum bag, too far in my opinion, cause he’s actually the one who helps develop Ines’s character and the story progresses due to his kind nature, and other elementa and situations/people in story.
He’s always been kind. You can tell from the time he was a kid and up to a man, he’s never changed. And yes, there are raging hormones, and being neglected will change stuff, people aren’t pure and flawless after all.

I like both main characters. I enjoy reading some angst and flawed characters. Cheating is human nature unfortunately, be it in relationships OR other situations that aren’t romantic exactly.
I used to react strongly until I came across this. So there are reasons why some do the things they do, but I of course wouldn’t recommend in real life.
With how much you hate this “cheating”, I can’t imagine how you react to the plain cheating where a person cheats on their loved ones and the author shows the sex between them.
Don’t ever read those Chinese BL novels, especially Novel 188 stories :)

I think I started to react less towards cheating because of how much I read those toxic ass MLs from BL novels. The ML there would just treat Mc as a pet, cheat on him with another, emotional and physical sometimes. And sex scene would be described, the ML being ruthless and abusive as hell; neglecting, cheating, physical.

Divorce is considered disgraceful by nobles. Inés said people would rather murder their spouse than divorce them. Carcel would never think of divorce. What the manhwa doesn’t tell readers is that Carcel was prepared to live like a monk after marriage. He said marriage d a vow before God so he was never going to commit adultery after marriage even if his marriage was lacking.
As to plotting, Carcel is not a schemer. It’s kind of ironic that people call him all sorts of names when he is a better person than her. Inés would admit that quite readily and frankly. That’s why she calls him a pushover all the time. Even her father calls him a pushover.
Carcel always has the propensity to love Ines. He’s naturally attracted to her. It’s like that in every timeline. He fell for her over the early months of their marriage because he naturally likes her.

Yeah it's in the early chapters! Can't remember what chapter exactly but she mentions that she doesn't want kissing but is okay with sex and he of course kisses her hence why she slaps him lol I think that slap was very well deserved! (Idk about the other one)
Hm that is a good point! Tbh I used to really really dislike neglect too! I guess it's just that I've read other manwha where I've seen neglect happen like "Honey I'm going on strike" so I eventually got won over lol neglect is still very much a "maybe" line but it's not totally irredeemable for me! Unlike cheating! The ML sleeping around isn't a problem if the FL sleeps around too maybe I'm just too scarred from the fuckboy ML x virgin-esque pure FL era to appreciate it at this point
Tbh I'm mainly saying it bc I brush aside a lot of stuff in fiction so maybe I've become desensitized to how bad the neglect in this manwha should be viewed as lol (although I still don't think he has it as bad as the FL from "honey I'm going on strike" in her first life)

I suppose so tbh I don't really think Ines is in the right nor do I like her enough to defend her lol
I still think an engagement should be honored so agree to disagree there whether he slept around before (in the time of his engagement I mean) or after marriage doesn't make much of a difference for me!
I disagree I bet he loved being with those other women otherwise he wouldn't have gotten it up and kept doing it lol. I don't really like people saying he was forced into cheating. Was he fed cheating propaganda? Yes. Was he persuaded? Yes. But he wasn't drugged and dragged onto a bed and tied up with tape in his mouth or something lol he made his own choices.
Yeeh glad there was an explanation! It just leaves much to be desired from me hence my previous example of the brainwashing trope lol. I keep getting bounced between "he is flawed" and "he was forced" and to me the "he was forced"="he is innocent" and I don't really think that is the case lol I don't think you can force someone to cheat
Yeah agreed! I take back my previous statements lol both can't be excused!

He’s loved her in every timeline because he’s naturally attracted to her no matter her bad personality and her unfriendliness towards him in all timelines. That’s another reason why we know he’s a kind person because no matter how shitty she was to him, he was always kind to her. Just wait until the hidden timeline is revealed. It shows plainly how much kinder of a person Carcel is in comparison to her. This is why she’s the one who gets the most development.

Jfjfidi then he's just a big pushover so like??? It still doesn't really make me like him more because why is he acting like he cares about her reputation when he sleeps around while being engaged to her?
I mean I would assume that all those years of him hating being engaged to her would kick in and give him a little bit of a wall?? Lol otherwise AGAIN what was the POINT of him sleeping around bc he "moved on and doesn't care about her" and then folding bc she's pretty? To prove that bro thinks with his d!ck? Aaaaaaaaa I never said he was a bad person or anything he's just not the type of character I like lol
SEEMINGLY cheating trash I feel like that's the way the audience is meant to think of him until stuff slowly gets explained! Of course he's not actually a scumbag! It's just a first impression lol but yeah I still think it was a bit too fast bro was already feeling jealous of Ines' supposed other lover(s) in less than 20 chapters like ew who are you to get jealous again???
agreed to that lol they are both flawed characters tbh I'm not really into either of them

Cheating in my opinion can only be readable in cheater x cheater lol otherwise it's a huge no for me. I understand Carcel had his reasons but it's not good enough for meeee haha
I've never read something like that before thankfully blah it sounds horrible!!! I definitely won't!! I'm the type to think cheaters are irredeemable tbh if the MC doesn't drop them then I drop the novel! Lol either way somethings getting dropped!

I don't really see why he kept doing it then lol. He did it once, felt empty and yet kept at it? it just seems very pointless. I mean I guess it's better than if he DID enjoy it ?? But not by much in my eyes tbh like could bro not have gotten some friends or something ? Found a hobby? It HAD to be sleeping around lol eeh it's just not for me

True but in a case those were 3 separate life times. First she had hope, she was happy, and committed but her husband turned out to be a bastard. The second was an escape. And the third was also supposed to be her escape, but this time a successful one but the path has deviated drastically. Ultimately while she has been with other men, two of them were meant for her to be independent and happy. When Carcel cheated it was more for lust and I guess in a way to throw it at Ines since in a chapter it revealed that he was unaware that she was sick and thought she hated him.
just wanting to warn new readers like me that the ML slept with the whole fucking nation while being engaged to the MC