I view it as cheating because he was engaged I am aware not everyone views it like this hence why I keep stressing that this is a ME and a MY preferences problem)
I don't really like Ines here either? Never really said that but to me she's better than him because she didn't sleep around while being engaged lol if she had slept around too I would have been like PERFECT you two deserve each other!! (I am aware she had other people in the past TLs those don't count in my eyes btw) my problem with her also is that she dropped her plan so fast in the manwha it had me thinking I missed a part or something I was like really??? just like that???
I have a high standard for both!! Shitty MLs won't be tolerated nor will bland pushover FLs! There are too many romances out there I think people are allowed to be picky lol (don't make this a man vs woman issues bc obviously me judging fictional characters has nothing to do with my views on real people

I view it as cheating because he was engaged I am aware not everyone views it like this hence why I keep stressing that this is a ME and a MY preferences problem)
I don't really like Ines here either? Never really said that but to me she's better than him because she didn't sleep around while being engaged lol if she had slept around too I would have been like PERFECT you two deserve each other!! (I am aware she had other people in the past TLs those don't count in my eyes btw) my problem with her also is that she dropped her plan so fast in the manwha it had me thinking I missed a part or something I was like really??? just like that???
I have a high standard for both!! Shitty MLs won't be tolerated nor will bland pushover FLs! There are too many romances out there I think people are allowed to be picky lol (don't make this a man vs woman issues bc obviously me judging fictional characters has nothing to do with my views on real people

My argument has always been what’s wrong with a cheater marrying a cheater. Inés was very much in a romantic relationship when she dubcon a literal stranger mere three months before her wedding in the previous timeline. Inés herself admits she’s a cheater. So not sure why people hear arguing for her when it’s nothing but a cheater marrying another cheater. At least Carcel was not in a romantic relationship with her while she was in a romantic relationship when she sit on the stranger’s genitalia. Actually, both her and the painter are cheaters because painter knew who she was and gave in to his lust when she sat on his banana.

to me what she did in her past life doesn't really matter lol we're talking about her CURRENT life where she DID NOT cheat so like ??? If Ines says she's a cheater then that's what SHE thinks she is but I personally don't view her as a cheater in THIS TL lol I don't think her sins of the past bear any weight in her current TL even if she thinks otherwise. If she had slept with people and had a lover in THIS TL with Carcel and society in general KNOWING I would have been fine with Carcel also cheating ¯_(ツ)_/¯ people have said she is neglectful but I don't see her being neglectful as an excuse for Carcel's cheating lol an explanation? sure but not an excuse

I guess that's just another difference between our views to me there is nothing to "let slide" bc past TL actions shouldn't be punished in present TL in my opinion and yeah I do agree that they are both flawed lol it's just that the FL flaws (neglect + manipulation from what I've gathered?) are fine with me but the "cheating while engaged" which is one of Carcels flaws is a flaw that I can't read past lol (again keep in mind that although FL cheated in the past because it's another TL it doesn't really count its a huge whatever for me)
I have also seen the "it's a political marriage he didn't have a choice" and I still don't excuse the cheating (to people saying "oH iF tHiS wAs ReVeRsEd" I also don't excuse cheating FL unless the ML cheated first in the CURRENT TL tbh)

Yes neglect, manipulation, and physical (where Ines hit Carcel). If you think all these combined is less bad than “cheating”, yikes, really tells about you.
It is double standards, I’ve seen way too many FLs that are neglected by their husbands and people shit on the husband for that. But here? He’s hated despite being forced.

Just because there is no love doesn't mean there is no responsibility ?? Break off the engagement first before sleeping around is the way I see it LOL divorce is VERY much on the table for him???? It is 100% an option?? there have been FL that have had it worse and been like "yknw what I'll run away" before deciding "yknw what let me fuck as many guys as I can" (I have read the spoilers so I understand more now but back when I first commented the way he decided to pay attention to her after she rejected him gave me a HUGE ick too his vibes are so wonky in the manwha)

Whoops hehe. That’s my bad. The definition is as you say: Brainwashing is a general term for techniques that manipulate a person's thoughts or actions against their will or knowledge.
Also if you don’t think that Carcel is irredeemable and that you don’t think what Ines did is less bad than Carcel’s “cheating”, then ignore my words to you.
Both of them did what they did because of certain situations. One felt unloved, neglected, and the other later felt bad for the neglect and using him/manipulating him to do what he did (sleeping around).
that’s why I do not think he’s irredeemable. If you hate ”cheating” to this extent, hopefully you do as well about Ines’ abuse.

If what happened in the previous timelines doesn’t matter in this timeline, why is it that Ines does not want Carcel to find out about her past? What is there to be ashamed of when it’s a new timeline? Also, why is the guy from her past leaving a medallion for her to find? It’s a new timeline so why is he meddling? Why are her past people interfering with her life in this new timeline if the previous timeline actions don’t matter? Everything will finally be settled in this timeline.

She slapped him once because he kissed her without her consent? I can't remember the other time lol but yeah to me cheating is worse than neglect sorry it's just a huge ick neglect can be explained and excused if there are outside factors in the equation lol cheating can be explained but not excused (also I am speficially talking about fictional characters in this!!)

How tf is a kid gonna break the engagement off? He got used to it too. Clearly the house escalate (Ines) is just as powerful, it isn’t easy to break off engagement in the older times.
I see it as running away from relationship when neither of them tried to form a connection during thei political marriage, and no, between a POLITICAL MARRIAGE—one is not obligated to accept nor take the responsibilities if they never CONSENTED.
And what do you mean divorce? He didn’t ”cheat” when he married. Sure his action wasn’t the best decision bhr had he not done what he did, Ines would’ve probably moved to another man or forced him to do it. It is something important for her plan, she has to use him to divorce him later, I forgot the whole plan but yeah.
I think he’s the one whose paid most attention to her though?? Iirc. It’s Ines who’s neglected him and he eventually gave up (novel). I don’t think the manhwa is as detailed as novel so there’s that.
Also I apologize for my harsh words. I can get off hands sometimes.

It tells about me that I have high standards for fictional characters and am really picky and yeah lol (some might even say narrow minded but I think I am allowed to be lol if I was open minded I'd be reading 3.0 star harem isekai romances)
Who says I wouldn't be cheering for him to leave Ines? I'm all for it lol what I'm not up for is the cheating. Break the engagement! Plot an assassination! Put poison in her tea! Sure why not it's the cheating for me lol
People assume I'm biased toward Ines in truth I don't really care for her either lol she folded too soon too quickly for me enjoyment

Yeah! It's the cheating! If he had taken any other action it would have been fine for me lol cheating is a deal breaker for me! I don't really hate him I just don't want to cheer for him. I don't expect him to accept it? I just don't really like the dynamic between them I think Ines should have taken in a few lovers or slept around a little too

…you’re saying cheating is worse than neglect. Yeah that says a lot. In some situations where it’s like:
A cheats on B by will and because A loves other women and sex. And B loves A but can’t stop A from cheating. But this isn’t that situation.
And no Ines didn’t slap him once. Also could you share me the chapter where he kissed without her consent? I may have forgotten cause I think it’s in earlier chapters.
There was another time where she did slap him and I didnt see him doing anything without consensual (early chapters).
Neglect can be explained and cheating can too.
How come neglect can be explained but cheating apparently can’t be to you? Especially in this case where Carcel NEVER CONSENTED to marriage.
If Ines being kissed by Carcel and did not consent to kiss makes you mad, how come his consent towards the engagement doesn’t matter? So her consent matters, but his doesn’t. I see how it is.
Neglect also can’t be excused. Especially in this case where Ines, a grown woman in a kid’s body (at start of this timeline) forced engagement with Carcel, and abused him.
Why are you telling me you’re talking about fictional characters? Haha I’m aware, but it does not change the fact that it is realistic portrayal of mental health and trauma. Fiction or not.
just wanting to warn new readers like me that the ML slept with the whole fucking nation while being engaged to the MC