Hopefully mc is the master manipulator and he doesn't get master manipulated I'm kind of t...

Cheeseycow June 17, 2024 11:18 pm

Hopefully mc is the master manipulator and he doesn't get master manipulated I'm kind of tired of those stories where it starts with mc like strong but then plot twist he was the fool and his like confident face breaks I hope instead he keeps this confident outlook and master manipulator personality with love at the end

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 24, 2024 3:40 pm

    Same, one of my pet peeves is the bottom being a secret agent or the best in his job/school and then when they see the ML they suddenly become the world’s biggest helpless baby even tho they thrived so easily without them for decades

    Cheeseycow June 24, 2024 5:12 pm
    Same, one of my pet peeves is the bottom being a secret agent or the best in his job/school and then when they see the ML they suddenly become the world’s biggest helpless baby even tho they thrived so easily... dreamedtheirlifeaway
