I stopped watching the anime when I read from a forum that he was getting off of his niece’s video. Disgusting. Can’t stomach to watch it after that. My boyfriend was watching season 2 and told me he married Sylphy, got her pregnant and left to search for his mom. When I saw Roxy as part of the team I knew right then and there that something will happen between them. Disgusting fvcker
He was made to be OP right? Then you have those ecchi scenes that are more or less hentai atp so some people who are perverts are attracted to that shit and the rest who likes it are being manipulated coz of his OP-ness and adventure plot. I was so fed up with how men collect women and fuck around. From his grandfather collecting beastwomen to his father impregnating another woman and fucking other women carelessly in the past to Rudeus himself whos now about to do everything else. Also, all those rape and morbid acts he did was something his future self did in the novel so maybe a lot of people are not aware of it yet.. and this act eventually will be covered up in the plot eventually aswell for the excuse that his present self did not do it! I AM SO AGGRAVATED remembering it all again. This fucking hell of a shit (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
There's a lot of them. He kept a fucking list and bragged about it. For fuckers sake! If u wanna know one that already showed up in the anime and in the manga, one of them was Julie. U know that kid they got from the slave market and raised to be the sculptor of those figurines he was making? The child dwarf! That kid was included on his rape list. Fuuuuucccckkkk i really lost it there! And i feel so disgusted being reminded of it agaid i wanna barf! Fuuuuccckkk (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Just to be clear, that whole thing about ranking women happened when he lost roxy and sylphy. Even Rudy admitted he was a scumbag after reading the diary of what his future self did.
Exact part from light novel: "THE NEXT MORNING, I reopened the diary, ready to pick up where I’d left off. However, it seemed like my future self hadn’t written anything for some time after Sylphie’s death. When I turned the page, I found the paper was noticeably different. It seemed like a year or two had passed, at least. Maybe more— the entries were vague enough that it could have been a decade. I had no way of knowing what happened in that undocumented period, but when the entries did resume, I was surprised by how stupid and juvenile they seemed. There was a lot of talk about women I spotted in the street and the size of their butts. One entry recounted my seduction of a waitress at a newly opened tavern; others described my visits to various brothels, complete with reviews of their quality. The language got ugly at times. It was the diary of a scumbag, in all honesty. In one entry, I even took the time to rank all the women I’d ever slept with. It was hard to believe it was me writing these things. Was this what I’d become without Roxy and Sylphie around? In any case, I evidently spent years indulging in this lifestyle. It wasn’t clear where these events happened, but I recognized the names of a few taverns here and there. It seemed like I was still living in the city of Sharia. Some names were conspicuous by their absence, though. I never mentioned Aisha, Norn, Lilia, Zenith, or Lucie. Every once in a while, there was a reference to Zanoba or Julie, but some of those entries made me queasy. My future self apparently had his eye on Julie by this point. The girl had been my faithful pupil since she was a kid, and now I was looking to take advantage of her. I didn’t want to believe I was capable of sinking so low."
Of course that was clear as day but just because he lost people, what he did was fine and just because his future self did it, doesnt mean it never happened. Him admitting he was scum doesnt mean he wouldve done differently if that future wasnt averted. This is the VERY thing i was trying to point out with that long ass comment i first did. The horrendous stuff are all being swept under the rug or pacified "just because" he lost people, he admitted he was wrong, he did differently from the supposed future (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
I checked the novel coz i really liked season 1 of the anime and the manga is far behind from the anime and the novel now.. i have to say, season 2 going forward sucks. I actually stopped watching and checking the manga for a very long while and i was bored w no new anime to watch so i checked the most recent anime update and i was shocked to know Paul died and Zenith disabled..
Paul was scum but i already know Rudeus was worse after he switched to Sylphy in season 2.. but i was curious to know why things happened like that so i checked the novel.. Rudeus... hah~ this fvcker is absolutely trash. As if whatever kinda justification would ever fix this fvcker. Fvck. I already hated it so much because no way in hell does he deserve Eris, he promised loyalty to Sylphy and violently fvcked Roxy while Sylphy was pregnant. I thought i was gonna hurl. I couldnt even read everything i jumped every now and then.. i just wanted to know how it ends and how this fvcker even go back with Eris.
The ending was great, good for them.. but seriously, they should have ended everything w just Eris and had friendly relations w the rest. I just felt like it was inappropriate w Roxy and it was forced w Sylphy.. how did they try to justify this fvckery? He has to have lotsa children to team up w Orstead and beat the Hitogami, so he needed 3 wives w 2 children each, Hah! Thats how i understood it, to be honest.
I really hated the fact that he had ED coz Eris left, i understand lack of proper communication and distance was a big player here but Eris left a letter for him and if he wanted to clear things up, he had the choice to go after her or maybe used rational thinking as a 40+ y.o adult at that point, but yea.. who am i to judge, hischaracter was made to be a perverted middle aged man with very weak mental health but make him OP and give him God level enemies so whatever he do as consequences to his great burden becomes redeemable, just because he's the main character. Fvck (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
There was even a part in the novel where his future self went back to time to warn him from making mistakes and left a diary.. hah! What did u expect? His future self wallows in depression and self pity pagain for the nth time and went around raping women! Yes! He really did that HAHAHAHA wow.. how awesome.. as if that wasnt worse enough, his kid with Sylphy was neglected and he made a ranking list of the women he slept around with depending of how good they were, disgusting! Most of them were raped btw and he even included Julie, the same Julie that he bought as a dwarf slave to be cared for and trained to be a magician and a figurine maker, yes.. that kid we saw on the anime season 2 academy arc.. that kid they raised to help make figurines.. the fvcking pig raveged that kid helplessly w the excuse that she's their slave and they saved her.. sick! Even if it was his future self that did that.. to think that as a human, he would go that far.. i know depression can make monsters out of us.. i know.. i have it! But this man was just animal. There's a limit. There should be! I remeber the other MC from Re:Zero, Subaru, i dont know if many people have seen that, but that guy went through a lot too! Depression, isolation, he was a hopeless man too! He wasnt even 34 yrs old when he died, he was a kid and he had no OP powers after transmigrating, he just died and turned back time which was much more horrible and hard, he had to die many times in terrible ways but it never got to the extent of becoming a rapist sick psycho! But yea.. who am i to compare.. Rudeus was written that way.. he was a digusting motherfvcker that they effortlessly redeemed everytime just because he's the main character.
I am so disgusted by Rudeus that even tho the ending was great, i really could never like the son of a bitch. I came here after going trough the novel and skipping some chapters because it makes me sick that a fvcker like that is acting all heroic and the people around him puts him up in a pedestal and celebrates him. Hah! I was really about to lose it when he almost fvcked that cat girl because Sylphy and Roxy was on their period and Eris was pregnant. He considered doing it! Hah! If he went through with it even after Eris consented, i would probably smash my phone to powder.
Anyways.. if someone actually took time to read all this.. i dont know if we are of the same mind here, but seriously, if you think everything is fine because Rudeus is this or that.. and his wives said this or that.. you have been completely manipulated to think favorably of him because all his depravity and scum behaviour has been overshadowed by the plot to make him the ever so great hero and saviour. This is full of shit. I am so disappointed and heartbroken that the story went like this when the first season had great potential.. its very disappointing that im so mad.
This was a complte waste of time and you cant say that this was written with the artistic or easthetic sense because it roused emotions of the readers, no! This is a very great example of porn, depravity, violence, and deepest evil of human nature carefully enveloped in a supposedly "plot armor"of isekai and adventure.. if we remove all those aspects and realize whats left.. its complete garbage and nonsense. They didnt even provide concrete reason why Orstead was trying to off Hitogami, why Hitogami has no memory of why Orstead hated him.. who reincarnated Rudeus, why that girl japanese student was transmigrated, and a lot more. These were the real "plot developer" of the story but in the end even Orstead didnt destroy the world after sealing Hitogami.
See? Nothing! There was nothing. Everything was just about a perverted dude that was jacking off while his parents funeral was happening, and got hit by a truck to be reincarnated w OP powers and had his ways with girls and being celebrated as a hero after defeating the main enemy's lackeys. Btw, that same enemy was trying to save the world from being destroyed by Orstead and Rudeus wants to live a great fulfilling life while having sexy time w his wives so he was trying to off Orstead for his goal of peace but couldnt beat him so joined Orstead instead to beat Hitogami, the one trying to save the world. Does that seem to be a very great story? Awesome.
Anyway. Im just here to unleash my wrath. Its a first for me to berate something im reading so much but i am just so disappointed w this. Fvck!