Good for Anna

KingX June 17, 2024 2:32 am

Fuck Lily I don’t like her. It’s like she discovered sex and now that’s all she cares about (kinda real tho lmao) but still. Anna deserves so much better.

    Yo dad June 17, 2024 8:49 am

    Literally, and Anna looks like she is ace and was forced to have sex with lily to prove that she really lover her wth. Lily is so stupid and think that lust is only way of love

    Platinum June 17, 2024 1:10 pm
    Literally, and Anna looks like she is ace and was forced to have sex with lily to prove that she really lover her wth. Lily is so stupid and think that lust is only way of love Yo dad

    Lily doesn't understand what love is lmfao. She is so fucking immature. I hate her more than my exes. She only thinks about sex.

    Yo dad June 17, 2024 3:16 pm
    Lily doesn't understand what love is lmfao. She is so fucking immature. I hate her more than my exes. She only thinks about sex. Platinum


    Platinum June 18, 2024 6:28 am
    THISSSS Yo dad

    I hate it sm when Lily says "Is this love?"
    Bitch stfu you don't understand anything about love. She makes me wanna murder someone. She literally manipulated Anna into having sex when it seems like Anna is actually an asexual.