but thank you really for the effort

mewmew June 16, 2024 11:55 pm

I don't mean to be rude, but can we catch up to the official translation instead? I know whoever uploads this just wants us to read the update fast (i appreciate it, i really do) but the official chapters are already at 147. Just a little more and it will be good :)

    Ilya Volkov June 17, 2024 12:36 am

    I think these are mangago's automatic updates via bot. One way to prevent it being uploaded is to create a makeshift chapter. ( ̄∇ ̄") Sharing the same sentiments as you, these shetty translations are kinda eh

    SaltyOmelette June 17, 2024 10:10 am

    In the past I wouldve endured the bad translations from being too impatient and wanting to read fast but as time goes on with plenty of manhwas ive read that have plots that Ive understood almost nothing due to the wonky translations I ironically grew the patience to let chapters pile up and wait for official or just good quality translations.
    Anyways this story is too good just for me to ruin my experience from bad translations when the officials are not even that far

    mewmew June 17, 2024 5:51 pm
    I think these are mangago's automatic updates via bot. One way to prevent it being uploaded is to create a makeshift chapter. ( ̄∇ ̄") Sharing the same sentiments as you, these shetty translations are kinda... Ilya Volkov

    oh i didn't know abt that bot, thanks for this! i thought somebody was translating this

    mewmew June 17, 2024 6:00 pm
    In the past I wouldve endured the bad translations from being too impatient and wanting to read fast but as time goes on with plenty of manhwas ive read that have plots that Ive understood almost nothing due to... SaltyOmelette

    for real tho, I actually thought the same. now that I realize the bad translations are really bad, I just hope they stop publishing chapters that aren't fully in english. i appreciate their efforts, but they should stop if they can't do it properly. i want to be like you, though, haha, because like you've said, this manhwa is too good. that's why I'm impatient to wait for the official chapters. i always click on the new updates and end up disappointed every time lol the opposite of u

    SaltyOmelette June 18, 2024 1:21 am
    for real tho, I actually thought the same. now that I realize the bad translations are really bad, I just hope they stop publishing chapters that aren't fully in english. i appreciate their efforts, but they sh... mewmew

    I said I grew the patience to wait for chapters to pile up when its mostly just me finding other manhwas to read in the meantime lmao but yeah hopefully the bots stop so we can enjoy this story more