just finished binging it's sooo good!!! i want more, sadly have to wait (btw 94 & 95 r the same)

estar June 16, 2024 10:08 pm

have seen beautiful art/character's but every time i see Ruby, i go wow She Beautiful! & she not the only good looking character here. heck even her monster of a brother is Very good looking character.

side note: she keeps saying she got anorexia (which she might as well have, if she was starving herself) but from what i've seen, would say she's got bulimia.

& have to say considering everything she has been through, i am really loving how realistically her trauma & PTSD is depicted. usually these type of serious issues r used as plot-point to forward the story, without realistically addressing the gravity of the matter & how the character would actually deal with the "fall out".
that's why i can't find fault in her actions or lack there off. if anything i feel for her & i can't wait for the time where she finds the strength to confide in her husband & get away from her paternal "family". (even though her second brother doesn't seem bad - but better safe then sorry).

also i hope there is more interaction with the cute "monsters" in the forest. she needs more wholesome, love filled moments... well i do cause this Heavy( ̄∇ ̄")
