i love dudes here

Erishia June 16, 2024 3:08 pm

Well, the story is quite interesting. I wish there would be more chapters available, I'd read it even if it would be around hundreds of chapters. The artsyle is giving, especially all of dudes are hot. I would be lying if I say I didn't like phil's fam but dayum. THEY'RE ALL GOOD LOOKING.

as for the plot, that's totally 10/10. I can smell how bitchy the true daughter would be. I wish already for the karma to get here as soon as possible. Also, fuck all the bad people in here. Setting up expectations and using people to get what you want is truly disgusting and unforgivable. I fell bad for phil, she's too young for everything. Merely 16 in the present but still young. I'm glad that finally, there are people around her who's loving and taking care of her. Still, I would never forgive those people who act all bitchy here. Additionally, I love the redemption arc of phil to the emperor. He deserves it. Beg for forgiveness and do something to win phil over, don't let that suspension daughter of yours to cause harm to my baby lolol.

And yeah, again I love you luguin/logan/luquin/mage master you're my darling in here. If only you asked me to be a candidate for your child making, I'd reconsider my thoughts of not having child till I die.
