Yeah I have a really bad feeling about it, I think when Matthew kept saying Jin’s name he was just reminded of Brandon who I guess did the same thing. But I don’t think he was imagining that he was having sex with Brandon because Matthew asks him who Jin is with and he answers Matthew. But the syringe at the end I have no idea what that could mean. For a horrible minute I thought that what if Jin had actually been with Brandon the whole time and kept on being drugged so he thought it was Matthew. But right after Jin got there his underlings were with him and they talked to Matthew and we saw Matthew’s thoughts. So I am sooooo frustrated with that.

omg pls not brandon drugging him again and again but then again I kept overthinking the syringe matthew gave jin, if Im basing it off to the comments like the doctor gave it to him for his wedrawal symptoms to drugs or for aftermath. then it turns out to be a drug similar to the one jin was initially drugged with. wouldn't it be worse? its kind of the same thing brandon did to him

Shit I don’t know what to think, but it doesn’t feel like from everything we know about Matthew to secretly keep drugging Jin, even if it’s something that really is helping Jin, he knows how Jin feels about any kind of drug, good or bad. But I’m also thinking that how is Jin only noticing this now? I have a family member who is a former addict and used to use needles, according to him it isn’t possible to do it so haphazardly like that, it could cause serious damage if not done right. The thing that is keeping me sane is that conversation Matthew had with the underling, plus the gun he gave Matthew was shown. I can’t imagine they took Jin to Brandon and than gave Brandon a gun and tell him to watch out for Jin. Most likely Matthew wants to keep Jin there so he won’t get hurt more, but that circles back to him drugging Jin against his will right after getting drugged, ah I’m so frustrated! Why couldn’t there be one more raws chapter!?.

thanks for the info I didn't know anything about drug needles at all, imma just hope that it's not a sabotage drug from the doctor... but that is true matthew doesn't want to do the things jin doesn't want. I'm also frustrated that's why I'm gonna wait for more chapters, I really can't bare waiting when something like this happens!!
I really don't like where the story is going when I read the raws they left me on the cliff girl. It lowkey stresses me out when jin was under the influence tf was he thinking? I think he think he's doing it with brandon while he's doing it with matthew???? (I was using a rough translation to read the raws) then at the last chapter before the hiatus matthew punctured something to jin that idk what was it.... I translated some of the comments and referred to the chapter when the doctor gave some sort of medicine for his wedrawal thingy not sure it's all rough translation and it might as well be a sabotage since that doctor iirc have a connection to brandon and based on jin's reaction and the effect it's similar to the drug they used to him in this new chapter. anyway thanks for reading and enjoy the next few chapters imma take some break with fluff but if you think I misunderstood some parts please do share I'd appreciate it.