Thank you!!! And of course, I'll always be there to keep everyone at ease whenever they're reading! I'm glad my uploading is bringing comfort to everybody, and I would like to mention that I'm not that great of a person since I only take other scans' works and post it here, minus the official chapters. ( ≧Д≦)
Oh, by the way, sorry for not seeing this sooner! Once again, thank you so much for spending your time into writing this for me. It really means more than anything to see my efforts were worth it~!
Oh my god you responded :0!!!!
Btw don't say that! You take time out of your personal life to upload high quality chapters of multiple manhwas on an illegal website where you gain nothing. Cropping, organizing and ordering the chapters properly takes a lot of time and effort as well. Even if you take other scans' works, you credit them nicely. I haven't seen any chapters uploaded by you without the scans' name or watermark yet. Because of you, I found a lot of scanlation teams who do a nice job. You are basically promoting them in a way.
Also do not apologise for your late response!! The fact you saw my message is enough to me (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ . I just want to let you know that I will always support you. I also responded late, sorry :P.
Dear AkumaKira,
I am veryyyy grateful to you for posting such high quality translations. I want to specifically thank you for this manhwa because it is one of my all time favourites. Reading your well done translations with pleasing panels really makes me happy. You work on a lot of other manhwas as well and thank you for them as well. Keep up the great work and take care of yourself :D