In a long running story like this it doesn't make sense to judge something like that based on the first few chapters anyway. It would be like judging a 500 page book on the first 3 pages. Obviously there will be development. If the seme stayed that way with no development that would be different but it wasn't the case. Clearly it was an intentional writing decision to make him unpleasant and then have a gradual character developent. A character having a nasty personality is not the same as bad writing or bad story.

Clearly, u didn't understand what I said and that's fine I was ranting. Obviously, any s***** top in the beginning is typically going to go through character development. And I've also noticed that plenty of authors do this thing where they make you really hate the character in the beginning but for some reason you end up loving them later, because emotions be funny like that. However, that wasn't what I had such an issue with in the beginning. What I had an issue with was the writing and visuals. In those first 10 chapters, the art does not really convey or tell the audience what the characters are feeling all that good. You can be a jerk / psychopath but there's typically obvious reason or explanation for it.
As the character stayed in the beginning he doesn't typically like to do the bets anyways. However, despite the fact that he was rude first and bottom was only nudging him out of his house. He came to the conclusion that the best way to get back it said person was to make them fall for him or sleep with him or whatever and then ghost him. That's hella Overkill, now maybe for some reason he just found him especially aggravating hate/love. However I wouldn't know that because the art in the beginning is not poorly drawn but emotions are poorly conveyed.
This isn't played for comedic value, he's not a psychopathic type of character, he's not even that big of a jerk. The reasoning just feels very lazy, silly, and doesn't make any sense. I also only kept reading this because I looked at the comments. It's one thing to give up because a person finds a story boring and in those situations yet you should give it time in the story will probably be less boring to the person. However, I didn't find the story boring, I found the art not conveying the characters emotions. And I found very lazy reasons for why characters were doing things. I also didn't like why the friend was trying so hard to get bottom to sleep with the top that he did not want to sleep with at all.
If there are already so many issues when I start reading something, it's very off-putting and doesn't exactly want to make me continue reading. That first chapter is not going to be perfect but it still sets the tone for what's to come towards believed to come.
Sorry for the essay lol
You know what people the beginning of this is ass, but sometimes we have to let the author cook. I don't know if this is their first work but the beginning of this is very rough. I would even say horseshit, however, this ends up being really funny and when I tell you the top is so down bad. Not obsessed because there is a difference, but this man is so down bad it should be a crime.
I would say this really starts to get good around 20 chapters but it stops being horseshit at like chapter 15 maybe. What was really annoying in those first few chapters is the fact that. The top was trying to get revenge because bottom pushed him slightly so that he could shut his house door. Mind you the top was being rude for no reason and hella judgmental. Also and this does change a bit later the art isn't bad but it isn't that great at conveying emotions. In the beginning you can guess what they're feeling but I shouldn't have to guess.
Also bottom seems like your typical stupid innocent type and he is but later it is like the best thing. When I tell you this man, we'll sleep with somebody and give zero f****. It's great, peak comedy, never been done before lol. Also this is just something I find Lowkey great, the top would sell his soul to give the bottom head. When I tell you I've never seen a top want to suck a bottoms dick before, as much as this guy, it's ludicrous but also perfection.