I’m dropping at ch 6 bc I can’t stand her insufferable attitude. When that rift appear...

Irrational Hater June 16, 2024 6:56 am

I’m dropping at ch 6 bc I can’t stand her insufferable attitude. When that rift appeared at the station and a mother lost her child, this bitch was sitting down, yawning and complaining about being trapped in safety while others don’t have that luxury and still had the audacity to say “I miss my bed… I mean my mom” when it was all over like this girl does not gaf if anyone lives or dies she’s basically a lazy villain. She doesn’t have to help for whatever reason but her lack of empathy made me want to punt her

    squashed June 17, 2024 12:28 am

    username checks out

    sid-chi June 17, 2024 12:42 am

    I mean it is said she does cares but "blocked her feelings" because of what happened with her dad, I mean I bet you are not crying cuz every day a kid is raped and killed in real world or will take home any homeless person you come by on the street, you will look the other way and continue with your life, and I am not judging you either, all good if the person wants to be the self sacrificing hero, but she clearly doesn't, it's human to feel empathy but letting yourself stop and think will enhance our instincts to help, and will only make you feel bad by not helping when it wasn't your fault or job in the first place, and even worse can lead to a action to make yourself feel good, and them you feel like you did your part when in fact you didn't change shit and didn't even do your part either but will feel entitled to judge others and do nothing when it's convenient

    Melonwater June 17, 2024 2:32 am

    You clearly forgot that another one went to safe the kid. Why would she go in there making more ruckus for herself and maybe even endanger her anonymity when someone is already saying the kid? And any normal person would miss your so called "luxury" of hers. She is waiting to go home after something unexpected happened and just wanted to rest. If you cannot fathom that others might miss a bed they can comfortably sleep in instead of their mother that is angry at their notes and might get into a fight with them then you shouldn't even look into most of the adventure genres.

    Irrational Hater June 17, 2024 5:12 am
    You clearly forgot that another one went to safe the kid. Why would she go in there making more ruckus for herself and maybe even endanger her anonymity when someone is already saying the kid? And any normal pe... Melonwater

    Did u even finish reading my cmt before ur panties got twisted? I said she doesn’t have to help bc its clear she’s lazy but her lack of empathy to the situation is what made her insufferable. And the luxury I was talking about wasn’t her missing her bed in a stressful situation, but complaining about being trapped in a safe space that I’m sure many others weren’t able to get to. She could shut her trap about being trapped when she could’ve gotten away from that lady trying to “save” her. Though I explained it AGAIN I doubt you’d understand with ur lack of critical thinking to my initial cmt hell u might not even finish reading this cmt

    Irrational Hater June 17, 2024 5:23 am
    I mean it is said she does cares but "blocked her feelings" because of what happened with her dad, I mean I bet you are not crying cuz every day a kid is raped and killed in real world or will take home any hom... sid-chi

    I do block out the tragedies in real life bc I do not have the power or money to change it but that’s the difference between me and her. She does have power and money to help but doesn’t and that’s ok. So why can’t she at least have empathy for the mother? bc like u said, ppl look the other way when they can’t help, and she can help but ignores it so shouldnt she at least worry ab the safety of the child?? Unless she truly does not care if that child dies.

    sid-chi June 17, 2024 4:24 pm
    I do block out the tragedies in real life bc I do not have the power or money to change it but that’s the difference between me and her. She does have power and money to help but doesn’t and that’s ok. So... Irrational Hater

    No she can't, just as you "can" put at least one or two people without a home in yours, she can help others and suffer the consequences, that's the catch, there is consequences for being hero, she is powerful but not powerful enough, not fisicaly nor mentally to shoulder the world on her back and once people know she has the power to make the difference, they will eventually ask for more and blame her for not wanting to sacrifice herself, that's the whole point in this story,
    She is clearly actively trying to not care about others, because she knows once she does she will feel responsible, she will worry, she will blame herself and eventually do nothing will not be a option, and them she can or "help" when is safe for a moment to feel better (and in her case risk her and her family peace and life) or fully help to the max of her capabilities and make the diferente (destroying her and her family peace plus putting her life in risk)
    What you are asking is for her to feel bad for not going out of her way for something is not her responsibility nor her fault
    You are literally saying "it's okay to do nothing as long as you feel bad" this kind of "self punishment" doesn't help anyone and in the end just serves so you can feel better about yourself (ironically)cuz "it hurts my heart" so you feel like you are on the side of the ones who are sacrificing themselves to make the difference, hypocrisy is what we call, and more than sociopaths who can be reasoned by logic, human hypocrisy is way more dangerous
    I mean in this case it is fiction but you are judging and blaming the wrong person cuz she doesn't follow your distorted morals
    Hypocrisy is how humans survive in this world and everyone has it on one way or another, the problem is thinking your way is the "right" thus blocking you to evolve as a person and have empathy for the ones who think or do it differently

    Irrational Hater June 17, 2024 9:25 pm
    No she can't, just as you "can" put at least one or two people without a home in yours, she can help others and suffer the consequences, that's the catch, there is consequences for being hero, she is powerful b... sid-chi

    All ur yapping just to basically say what I said: she’s a lazy heartless villain bc she doesn’t have a sense of responsibility. Like u made her out to be more evil than I did and I actually agree. She’s a perfect villain: heartless, uncaring, self absorbed, selfish, and most cruel: being ok with the death of a child bc it’s not her responsibility to save them and the risk of her being hurt is no good

    Melonwater June 17, 2024 9:59 pm
    All ur yapping just to basically say what I said: she’s a lazy heartless villain bc she doesn’t have a sense of responsibility. Like u made her out to be more evil than I did and I actually agree. She’s a... Irrational Hater

    You told me I have no critical thinking skills. Then you go on and on about how she isn't a good character and don't even listen to others

    Melonwater June 17, 2024 10:01 pm
    All ur yapping just to basically say what I said: she’s a lazy heartless villain bc she doesn’t have a sense of responsibility. Like u made her out to be more evil than I did and I actually agree. She’s a... Irrational Hater

    And please stop trying to just go on disrespecting strangers. That just puts you in a bad light in the argument and closes off any talking with the other person to make you understand your side. Tbh you're behaving like an immature person when doing that.

    sid-chi June 18, 2024 10:58 pm
    And please stop trying to just go on disrespecting strangers. That just puts you in a bad light in the argument and closes off any talking with the other person to make you understand your side. Tbh you're beha... Melonwater

    I didn't disrespected you, I even said it's normal to be a hypocrite one way or another, no one is free from it, and recognized that it has to do with your morals, if asking you to see outside of your perspective is disrespecting you, then people wouldn't never have any meaningfull talk

    sid-chi June 18, 2024 11:42 pm
    All ur yapping just to basically say what I said: she’s a lazy heartless villain bc she doesn’t have a sense of responsibility. Like u made her out to be more evil than I did and I actually agree. She’s a... Irrational Hater

    ....I literally made paralels with real life situations....the only posible way for you to come up with that conclusion is if you are currently housing streats people, has several human projects and is so rich it doesn't afect you so you think helping others is a small gesture and people who doesn't do the same are "heartless, uncaring, self absorbed, selfish, and cruel, being ok with the death of a child bc it's not her responsibility"
    If that's what you think then it makes sense you don't see why that's exacly what makes her a humane and good character
    Maybe you are not a hypocrite but just so you know immaturity comes from undeveloped aspects and you can be sure that this type of dilemmas is a everyday thing for me, I thought that for it be a manhwa you couldn't make the connection with reality as we are used to self sacrificing saints and that's what I was trying to make but maybe you are just innocent and can't understand why people are "bad people" even after explaining, I mean I keep forgetting that I am speaking in English and there is a lot of English speaking countries whose quality of life is so good people can't understand violence, pain, hunger or fear, if you don't have much to loose by helping others I can see why it would be unthinkable not do so, if you never even saw someone be killed death must be a distant concept and if you have access to mental health facilities I doubt you would understand wanting to keep peace at all costs
    I wish everyone could effort to be as noble as you, believe me we have our reasons not to be