Definitely read act 2 it’s still alittle bit annoying with the whole Sawamura vs Furuya but you get to see Sawamura grow even more as a pitcher, he shines more once the new first years arrive that’s when u see how he’s really appreciated especially by his kohai even the coach trusting him more in games.
He even leads the team to Koshien hehe

No Furuya does not become the ace again lmao. Little overdue but Sawamura definitely got the recognition he deserves. Sawamura x Furuya rivalry is actually kinda cute and unique because either one don’t actually think they are better than the other they motivate each other and acknowledge each other strength and power as a pitcher. But yeah Sawamura becomes the ace his first match as an ace actually went downhill(lmao) he didn’t do as good …..but the coach get reminded how he was just like Sawamura when he was a student debuting as a ace I guess that made the coach have more trust into Sawamura. Sawamura improve tremendously(imo a better pitcher than Furuya) I love the chapters where they vs Inshiro, when Sawamura came out he got the whole crowd cheering for him eventually leading the team to Koshien. The coach also mention that sawamura was the one who led the team (so proud we came a long way)
Side note it’s just smt cute Furuya starts calling Sawamura by his first name that’s just show how he respects Sawamura.
idk if i should start this manga, I didn't like how the first one went. did sawamura ever feel like the mc here? i don't mind them not winning the nationals but i want to see sawamura actually shine in a game. i feel like he's always just in furuya's shadow. furuya's improvement is continuous but i feel like every time sawamura shines or improve some shit always happens to him. i love furuya tbh, i don't have a problem with his character but sawamura... damn, he needs more spotlight ):