
fingerblaster_800 June 15, 2024 8:49 pm

I know its like predictable to hate on women in action fantasy manhwas because misogyny but in this case its not cuz the author sucks at women

Karen was sooo cool in the flashbacks but now that we have her as an official character she's just so annoying. shes literally the boss you defeat and find out they have trash stats. I was really hoping Karen was gonna be this cool cold character too...

    Cheeseycow June 15, 2024 10:09 pm

    It's not misogyny for it to be predictable to hate on women in action stories as most of them aren't written that well not hated just bc they're a woman but they have been stereotyped as the annoying side girl since there's so many prominent badly written female characters in the action genre with male protags and I also understand your disappointment with Karen

    Angy June 20, 2024 3:33 am

    Why is well written female companions so rare? I love this story, was so hyped to get a female knight aaaaannd... Nope. The boss game comparison is so accurate. She was nerfed in termed of personality...
    Karen why did you became cliché annoying girl, you were cooler in the flashback
    (I just hope they won't "nerf" her armor bikini style too)

    Nizze June 22, 2024 12:06 am

    For now I'm blaming it on her not having accepted him as a master. That's actually important for knights so I get het not being able to use the sword... and as she sees him as a equal or even less than her because she was very strong in the past she doesn't treat him kinda reverently like the other two. I'm also trying to see it as she kinda considering the situation as a kind of vacation after all she went through. And maybe that's why she ain't dressed as a "proper" knight. But if those things don't change after she accepts him... I'll certainly agree with you.
    And also... her clothing really doesn't help... her clothes scream fanservice...