I know everybody’s losing their shit because it’s not a real update, but you should pr...

irimara June 15, 2024 1:58 pm

I know everybody’s losing their shit because it’s not a real update, but you should probably at least reread chapters 7-9 of the new translation anyway? A lot of panels changed, it’s like the mangaka revised it? The sex is like…just a little sweeter and more affectionate? It’s cute.

And maybe other chapters were revised too but I don’t have the patience right now lol

    irimara June 15, 2024 2:22 pm

    Also, if anyone’s upset that it ends on a cliffhanger, I am too but it feels like the ending is going to be quite predictable, if it gives y’all any closure.

    Chiharu’s grandmother asked him “how would you end their story?” and that feels like major foreshadowing to me on where this is going. Rin is bound by the rules of his story. But Chiharu is already an accomplished writer. He’s going to continue Rin’s story and write some happy ending where Rin and his bride are happy together and the bride doesn’t have to be taken into the depths of the spring, and he’ll publish it and it’ll become a famous book, and then with everyone’s belief in the new story, it will modify Rin’s story and they’ll be able to be together on land and no one will have to suffer. The end.