Maybe because rape is an actual RL thing that does happen to more people than we'd like to believe?
In all seriousness, it's not the rape, that's the problem for me, it's how it is portrayed in certain stories. If it's romanticized and/or not even acknowledged as being rape, that's a bad thing/problem.
Pretending like it doesn't exist, however, is a whole problem in itself. Or pretending like physiological effects like Stockholm syndrome and staying with your abuser despite the abuse isn't something, that happen in RL to RL people. Those type of stories shouldn't be seen as love or romance stories of any kind but rather psychological horror., that's somewhat realistic.
Stories, that include it, should always have trigger warnings, naturally, so that people, who can't deal with reading about it (fair enough) can avoid them.

It's not always rape, it's just that you chose to read toxic BL instead of reading fluff or other subgenres. You're doing it to yourself. It's not like toxic BL is hard to spot, it's literally the same archetypes and same type of covers.
So yeah stop reading what you can't handle and you'll be fine.

Ok so everybody chill out. Totally get what you mean with the reading tags and stuff. My point is though that authors romanticise it waaaaaaay too much and there’s a bunch of new stories which always contain such a scene. Just makes me kinda sad. Also the outcome of the relationship between the seme and uke is often pretty disappointing. I just want it to be deeper sometimes if you get what I mean (:
Why is it always rape these days?