I don’t understand what happened to the genre of today’s fictional stories. Since when...

Kou June 15, 2024 12:00 pm

I don’t understand what happened to the genre of today’s fictional stories. Since when did it became a norm where abuse = love is repeated so many times. I remember back then it wasn’t this. It was a norm of highschool love stories and good fantasy plots that is 0% harem

It’s disappointing how authors nowadays write abusive plots and make it a normal love story and say it as a moral lesson not to do this real life. FUCKING BITCH IF THATS YOUR LESSON THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN A NORMAL STORY INSTEAD OF THIS MONSTROSITY

Worst of all, not a single redeemable things happened. I really do think Korean authors have this abusive fetish and even if its only apply to fictional, its still disgusting for you to have an abuse fetish while Japan authors still stuck with the isekai fetish, honestly, tiring cliche but better than abuse fetish. Then Chinese authors going for danmei route but have deep plot and ACTUAL redeemable abusive male leads where half of the story the ML redeems himself while enduring MCs rejection time to time but Korean authors?

Just disappointing. I think KR publishing companies should start rejecting authors who wrote abusive fetish and plots because what kind of moral lesson will anyone take from this???

I sounded like racist but tell me why it’s always such a norm in Korean fictional media to have abusive assholes and still get a happy ending when they didn’t have a single redemption arc

    UnrealEngine June 15, 2024 1:12 pm

    That’s why I get really happy when I see a webtoon with a genuinely cute and wholesome main relationship (emphasizing main because I know certain manhwas that have healthier side couples). Sometimes I think they add all this abuse for the drama/plot as an excuse but you can have a perfectly good story without it. Also, the male leads are always like abusive a-holes while the MC’s just accept it or don’t fight back because they’re “uwu just a baby”

    Bbbbbbb June 15, 2024 9:09 pm
    That’s why I get really happy when I see a webtoon with a genuinely cute and wholesome main relationship (emphasizing main because I know certain manhwas that have healthier side couples). Sometimes I think t... UnrealEngine

    So why are u here then missy?

    UnrealEngine June 15, 2024 9:41 pm
    So why are u here then missy? Bbbbbbb

    That missy is crazy bro …Because I thought the premise was interesting and then was flashbanged by r@pe. I already saw the spoilers but wanted to see how it ends, that’s all.

    Kou June 15, 2024 10:57 pm
    That missy is crazy bro …Because I thought the premise was interesting and then was flashbanged by r@pe. I already saw the spoilers but wanted to see how it ends, that’s all. UnrealEngine

    Oh don’t bother with the ending I saw someone already spoiled and its the most horrible ending I’ve ever seen than other abusive love tropes I saw.

    (Not gonna say their names because I forgot and not worth remembering)

    Tldr: Modern ML hid from MC he is the Past ML that abused him and MC believed he is not the Past ML because their actions are different but ML really just hid them so that he can keep MC all to himself again. At the end, MC looks up at the sky and smiled to ML. This assumes they still end of together while ML forever hides the fact he has his past memories and continues to manipulates MC

    Honestly sharing this to you, back then I followed and read this webtoon where ML is also abusive of MC but still end up together at the end IN NOVEL

    So webtoon artist saw the dissatisfaction of readers of this and decided to give a different ending IN WEBTOON so MC ends up with 2nd ML—banger and better ending. Just thought of sharing this because after all the shit we read maybe there are webtoons out there can do the same as this story