Ikr?! But fuck... yoonbum u gotta kill her. I'm so so sorry but u hafta. There's is literally no other option ╥﹏╥

Ahhhh! Spoiler :/ but thank u for the warning cuz if yoonbum starts killing freely and loses all his morals I am gonna kill everyone in this goddamn series and then drop it like it's hot

Bum always had it in him, the ability to kill without remorse. But it was depending on whatever partner he found, one to shove him towards his hidden potential (Sang-Woo) or one that would help him. Sadly, he fell in love with the wrong guy. And as much as people are denying it, because it's the normality to hate a serial killer. Bum loves him...

Interesting! Who is Frisk if you don't mind my asking?

yea, but. don't forget bum is thirsty af for sangwoo ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

The MC of undertale, if you decide to kill everything in the world you start down the genocide route, if you decide to spare everything you go down the true pacifist route. Frisk can either become a saint who saves everyone through sheer determination or a demon who literally destroys the entire world depending on your choice as the player. Frisk has the potential for both from the start.

And I was responding to @idk 's post ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Eh it's been a year since he's been kidnapped. I'm willing to argue that anything Yoonbum does at this point is not to be trusted as his head is messed up. Plus, the moment he was away from Sangwoo at the festival, he realised that he doesn't love him. It's just Sangwoo's influence and the fear that Yoonbum feels that's making him act the way he is.

Bum's head was already "messed up" when he came. I think the breakdown he had was because of an internal conflict he was having and he could not accept that he doesn't love Sangwoo. Bum's mentality doesn't seem to have changed a whole lot from the beginning, he still has those crazy sexual fantasies about Sangwoo.The hand sweat and bathroom bj moments weren't too different from some of the impulsive sexual behavior Bum had from the start.

Alright ya'll, this is a hella long reply so you've been warned! xD
I type fast so I tend to write a lot more than I need to, but I like talking about this so here we go!
The thing about that festival scene is Bum isn't confident in his conviction. If you go back over that scene, we learn that Bum is soo obsessed with Sangwoo that his plea to himself not to love such a horrible person is all for not. Yes, he tells himself he doesn't love Sangwoo, and maybe he doesn't
-at least, not in a healthy way-, but what we can't deny is his obsession. To be obsessed literally means to "preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent," which is exactly what we see happening with Bum time and time again; but we already knew he was obsessed with him, which is what landed him in this situation in the first place.
Therefore, the fact it's been a year and he's still exhibiting the same obsessive behavior tells us that yes he gained fear of Sangwoo (with the natural human instinct to run), but the only thing he lost was his impression that Sangwoo was flawless.
I like talking about this so I'm gonna go ahead and throw his inner monologue from that concert here because it is oh soo telling of Bum's consistent inability to control his desire for Sangwoo:
"Everyone who looks at him loves him and smiles...you're the kind of man who is loved by everyone. That deep voice...and sweet like honey.... You said my name...with a warm and soft voice. 'Bum', that's what you said...
No! Why am I thinking like this now? Stop it!!!" *starts crying* "Don't call me!!! Stop singing!!! Stop confusing me!!!" (confusion because he knows that he shouldn't love him, he wants to believe that he doesn't love him...) "I hate you soo much...I can't love you anymore...I don't love you..." *remembers their intimate moments together* "I don't love you anymore...."
"The warmth of that moment is still present. Hug me and don't leave me...."
*cries harder*
"I...how could I...." (...but despite knowing he shouldn't, he does.)
We don't have to call it love, no, but to Bum his "love" is an obsession. We see his "love" breaking through more as the story goes on beyond that point too. No, he doesn't tell Sangwoo everything he was thinking when he saw him on the stage, but it's not a lie that he wanted him when he saw him. Later, he displayed jealousy and his fear of facing Sangwoo didn't stop him from asking if he slept with that woman. Bum didn't have a problem biting Sangwoo's finger when he was having sex with that girl, and he only had his hand because he genuinely desired to touch him despite the screwed up situation.
Reducing his desires to just "Sangwoo's influence" isn't wrong, but it is wrong to think that means he only feels or acts the way he does because he has to out of fear. He's been sexually attracted to Sangwoo from the start (jerking off to his scent in ch.1) and the narrative reminds us that this hasn't changed. He does it in spite of his fear, not because he doesn't have a choice.
Lastly, if we're applying Sangwoo's influence, or Bum's fear of him, to his act of killing the girl, I'd say there's little to none of it. The crazy-intriguing part about this scene is that, although Sangwoo set the stage for it to be possible, he ultimately had no influence in pushing Bum to kill the girl. It was the girl's words (and his bitter old memories) that drives him to kill her.
Alright I'll gonna stop myself now; if anyone read this far, I hope you were entertained by it if nothing else!

Very nice! I agree that Bum's fear and attraction to Sangwoo doesn't necessarily have to be a mutually exclusive thing. People often separate those two, implying that it is not a possible option. But if we analyze it based from the series, Bum's the fear and attraction for Sangwoo can coexist. But as you said, it's definitely not in a healthy way.
I'm about to kill Sangwoo myself at this point. Just leave Yoonbum alone, god damn it!