Heyyyy can someone remind me what the family relations are here? The two sexy men are Taeju's dads. The blonde woman is the black-haired's mom. Is the mom and the blonde dad related? They look similar.
Also Euihuyn's dad that just showed up - is that his omega dad? Or is it the same alpha that is also Eiuyoung's dad, but dyed his hair back to black?
I'm confused dude I can quote every romantic interaction these idiots had, but other details just evaporate from my head
OK, so the one with the long black hair is his cousin and the one he called Mom is his aunt of the one that was hanging out with the kid that said to call him pop up and the one before that had the brownish black hair short is his dad They’re both alphas
OK, so the one with the long black hair is his cousin and the one he called Mom is his aunt of the one that was hanging out with the kid that said to call him pop up and the one before that had the brownish bla... Faithy
Sorry, the one with the long black hair is actually a she
OK, so the one with the long black hair is his cousin and the one he called Mom is his aunt of the one that was hanging out with the kid that said to call him pop up and the one before that had the brownish bla... Faithy
Heyyyy can someone remind me what the family relations are here?
The two sexy men are Taeju's dads. The blonde woman is the black-haired's mom.
Is the mom and the blonde dad related? They look similar.
Also Euihuyn's dad that just showed up - is that his omega dad? Or is it the same alpha that is also Eiuyoung's dad, but dyed his hair back to black?
I'm confused dude I can quote every romantic interaction these idiots had, but other details just evaporate from my head