I remembered this manhwa from 2021 from a tik tok

Liz June 15, 2024 5:43 am

I remember I read this in 2021 and I was so mad about the ending. I forgot all about it until I just saw a tik tok about it and it triggered all my memories about it. I decided to reread it and I can remember why I was mad about it but I’m not as mad about it as I am now. What I’m mad about now is how you could tell the second season was rushed, the art style wasn’t as good as well as the writing. The ending wasn’t throughly written and that kind of made it confusing. I get they were trying to go for the bittersweet ending but at least write it more throughly instead of making the readers confused at the end. Before I was mad about how the MC and the 1st dimension 2008 guy didn’t get together but now, after rereading, I’ve grown to like the part of accepting. I’m still mad about how it was rushed though.
