Whole chapter was just sex sex sex. I want angst, I expected and stayed for the angst. and...

L.G_Ezly4 June 15, 2024 4:38 am

Whole chapter was just sex sex sex. I want angst, I expected and stayed for the angst. and why tf has he snapped out of it now and is like "oh yeah, let's fuck. im okay with this, I hated you chapters ago but now that I know you raped me through hypnotism I wanna do it more" ??? Dropping lmao

    thisislele June 15, 2024 5:13 am

    he hasn’t snapped out of it completely lol did you read the chapter? it shows him remembering himself consenting and being excited to “play” with mc not knowing he wasn’t really deciding for himself.

    L.G_Ezly4 June 15, 2024 7:51 am
    he hasn’t snapped out of it completely lol did you read the chapter? it shows him remembering himself consenting and being excited to “play” with mc not knowing he wasn’t really deciding for himself. thisislele

    Ngl, I skimmed through it lmaoo. The way he reacted was really unexpected, you'd think he'd lash out or have a mental breakdown in the situation he's in but the confusion and how calm he was made me confused too. me personally anyway. So unless this develops a better plot in the angst and at least push the smut aside a bit, I'm personally keeping this dropped.

    thisislele June 15, 2024 10:18 am
    Ngl, I skimmed through it lmaoo. The way he reacted was really unexpected, you'd think he'd lash out or have a mental breakdown in the situation he's in but the confusion and how calm he was made me confused to... L.G_Ezly4

    that’s probably a good decision lol. just if you’re interested it does seem like he feels like something is wrong in the back of his mind but can’t got out is what