Eww the MC

asmiir_ June 15, 2024 1:44 am

Is so rude and blunt it throws me off sometimes

I know it’s not his fault and not his responsibility on how everyone reacts but my bro can you chill for one second and not spout off nonsense ( ̄へ ̄)

I love how the ML is trying really hard rn because he wants his mind off his abusive mother, shows he’s precious and needs lots of care and a gentle approach

    Roronoa Zoro June 15, 2024 1:50 am

    I love his bluntness, it makes him unique and relatable to some. Most MCs always try to sympathize with the other person and sometimes that just not what they need

    Yuki ❀ June 15, 2024 2:02 am

    Nah, that really wasn't uncalled for. Everyone was prepared for this and yeah it sucks that he has something going on in his life but the rest of the crew didn't know this. Basically, this is how adult deals their every day lives. Gotta put on a mask at work to function bc most ppl do have a lot of sht going on too but you gotta do what you gotta do ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    asmiir_ June 15, 2024 2:15 am
    Nah, that really wasn't uncalled for. Everyone was prepared for this and yeah it sucks that he has something going on in his life but the rest of the crew didn't know this. Basically, this is how adult deals th... Yuki ❀

    I understand the responsibility the ML had but they’re dating and calling out someone in front of a crowd is always a shitty thing to do regardless of intention! Like step back for a moment and see how that will not be conducive to creating a positive work environment!

    I also can see how the ML should’ve spoken up about his feelings and taken a day off but sometimes feelings and emotions override common sense and isn’t always easy to talk about especially at work!

    VRH June 15, 2024 2:21 am

    You are so sensitive, like are you being fr???

    asmiir_ June 15, 2024 2:22 am
    I love his bluntness, it makes him unique and relatable to some. Most MCs always try to sympathize with the other person and sometimes that just not what they need Roronoa Zoro

    True I can see how getting straight to the point calms others.. I just don’t like how he has no tact and always presumes his opinion or viewpoint as the standard and it kinda irritates me. Again I know it’s not his fault and can see how his disorder can paint and affect that

    asmiir_ June 15, 2024 2:24 am
    You are so sensitive, like are you being fr??? VRH

    How? When he called him out in front of the crowd (not the best thing to do in any situation) and then takes him to this random arcade (when he’s out of it emotionally) because he’s trying to cheer him up, which is a good thing because it shows he cares but my man maybe listen to the person and see what they want to do lol

    TaetaeCollarbone June 15, 2024 2:43 am

    This is your take on this?? Thats so surprising. How sensitive are you ?

    Harumaki June 15, 2024 2:46 am

    I really don't like rude people and I always try my best to speak my opinion without hurting anyone, so I understand your point. The way he's trying to help the ML can really hurt if the person is not on the right mind.
    But the thing is, I don't think MC it's rude because he's a bad person. For me, he's clearly someone in the spectrum and has a hard time socializing and understanding most feelings and nuances. He's practical, logical and blunt because of it. In that sense, I think he's really doing his best. He observes people a lot and try to understand them.
    It's different when someone it's rude because doesn't care about the others. He may not understand, but he care and he's trying to help the best he can.
    It was uncalled for? Yes. But I think it's something that they can talk easily.

    asmiir_ June 15, 2024 2:48 am
    This is your take on this?? Thats so surprising. How sensitive are you ? TaetaeCollarbone

    I’m sorry but would you like to be called out at work in front of all your co-workers about your mishaps or mistakes? Even when said mistakes were better to be discussed at a different time!! Even the friend of the MC lamented that it was not a okay thing to do, so how am I the sensitive one? It’s common sense..

    I can see how being blunt works for certain people and looking at the MC intention I know his heart is in the right place but still that would make me or any regular person feel even worse? So how? I’m genuinely asking if this is how y’all see it or you’re just absorbed in the MC POV

    WrittenPoetry June 15, 2024 2:53 am
    I really don't like rude people and I always try my best to speak my opinion without hurting anyone, so I understand your point. The way he's trying to help the ML can really hurt if the person is not on the ri... Harumaki

    I agree he is on the spectrum. This can be hard for most people to understand how people on the spectrum can rationalize differently, and it isn't actually being insensitive, it's just like a different language or mismatch of communication styles. MC is not trying to be insensitive or blunt, he just recognizes a problem and is trying to fix it as best as he can

    asmiir_ June 15, 2024 2:54 am
    I really don't like rude people and I always try my best to speak my opinion without hurting anyone, so I understand your point. The way he's trying to help the ML can really hurt if the person is not on the ri... Harumaki

    I agree!! He’s working really hard to overcome his insecurities and difficulties working with other people in professional spaces and in his interpersonal life.. I can also see his earnestness in wanting to bridge the gap between himself and others.,

    I just get ticked off when people get called out in front of others because then you’d be subject to others evaluations and stares.. which would make me feel insecure

    But yeah sometimes ripping the bandaid off is the best approach but as a irl caretaker I would never

    Cid June 15, 2024 3:00 am

    Well, it's your right to dislike that kind of situation but most people, or should I say for myself, will think otherwise.

    I'm sorry but I agree with VRH that you seem quite sensitive.

    Sometimes, you need a person like that because in most situation it will get your shit together. You don't need to be baby-ed all the time. And many people are like that. You are free to be irritated but you also need to learn how to adapt in that kind of situation especially IRL.

    And besides being too much tactful won't help you grow.

    asmiir_ June 15, 2024 3:09 am
    Well, it's your right to dislike that kind of situation but most people, or should I say for myself, will think otherwise.I'm sorry but I agree with VRH that you seem quite sensitive.Sometimes, you need a perso... Cid

    I’m sorry but how is this baby-ing or anything of the sort? Would you like to be called out at work or in a professional/public space about your mistakes or mishaps? I work as a caretaker and I would never do that!! In all of my jobs or work experiences we’ve encountered employee training that centers on productive dialogue that works to bridge employee misunderstandings or inconveniences and this is just not it lol

    And this isn’t even about being tactful or anything at this point. That’s his boyfriend/date you just don’t put your SO on the spot like that even if it was warranted. I’m like genuinely asking if y’all would be okay after this.. because this would warrant a call-in from me tbh

    Harumaki June 15, 2024 3:12 am
    I agree he is on the spectrum. This can be hard for most people to understand how people on the spectrum can rationalize differently, and it isn't actually being insensitive, it's just like a different language... WrittenPoetry

    Yess! I have two friends in the spectrum and sometimes it's really hard to talk with them.
    One of them has a hard time understanding irony and nuances. I often have to explain to her jokes and feelings, because she takes most of it literally.
    My other friend by other hand it's REALLY blunt. He asks some things that hurt a lot with such innocence. And I'm super sensitive hahaha the poor lad really doesn't even get why I'm sad.
    But they always listen what I have to say, get worried about my feelingd ask what they don't understand and learn despite the difficulties. I really respect this, and that's why I feel so empathetic towards the MC.

    Harumaki June 15, 2024 3:17 am
    I agree!! He’s working really hard to overcome his insecurities and difficulties working with other people in professional spaces and in his interpersonal life.. I can also see his earnestness in wanting to b... asmiir_

    I super get you! Really.
    I'm really sensitive and almost everything hurts me, so I definitely would cry if someone called me like that in front of everyone. I don't think we should value people being so rude and blunt, just because they're "honest". It's just really in this specific situation that I forgive the MC, because I'm almost sure he's on the spectrum.

    Harumaki June 15, 2024 3:24 am
    Well, it's your right to dislike that kind of situation but most people, or should I say for myself, will think otherwise.I'm sorry but I agree with VRH that you seem quite sensitive.Sometimes, you need a perso... Cid

    In this case I'll will defend asmiir... Not everyone has the right mind to hear direct words like this.
    Maybe you think that you're helping being blunt, but for some you're just pushing them to the pit.
    That's why we have to be tactful ALWAYS. Ask if the person it's ok, if you can be honest with what you're thinking about the situation... If the person it's ok with it, be blunt, tell them the truth they need to hear.
    But if not, if they are in a terrible situation psychologicaly, you will be only making things worse.
    People are different, you can't treat everyone by the same rules.

    Cid June 15, 2024 3:28 am
    I’m sorry but how is this baby-ing or anything of the sort? Would you like to be called out at work or in a professional/public space about your mistakes or mishaps? I work as a caretaker and I would never do... asmiir_

    Well it's your perspective and if people say otherwise means they might already experience that situation and they didn't think of it much. Might be too harsh on you but not to me.

    What is harsh is to get yelled at in front of everybody will cursing you and insulting you without a real feedback. And clearly that is not the case in this one.

    This is not a called out for some of us. It's a feedback and it is not insensitive to say it in front of your co workers cuz they might need that feedback too.

    You say, you work as a caretaker, then I guess, you really need to be careful in what you say in your work but that's not gonna work in other industries.

    I know you understand the character but not the scene, I guess.

    Cid June 15, 2024 3:45 am
    In this case I'll will defend asmiir... Not everyone has the right mind to hear direct words like this. Maybe you think that you're helping being blunt, but for some you're just pushing them to the pit. That's ... Harumaki

    I disagree with you on "we have to be tactful always"

    I'm also the type to be tactful when saying things cuz I know there's someone who is sensitive. Which proves me wrong.

    I became so tactful I ended up not saying anything which is my fault obviously.

    But even when you are careful in what you say people still misinterpret it so what is the use?

    If you really need to say something even if it hurts others then do it. It is up to them if they take it in good way or bad way. Besides TRUTH hurts. It is normal to be hurt by the truth. You don't need to sugercoated it.

    Cid June 15, 2024 4:21 am
    In this case I'll will defend asmiir... Not everyone has the right mind to hear direct words like this. Maybe you think that you're helping being blunt, but for some you're just pushing them to the pit. That's ... Harumaki

    And also you said people are different, I understand that. "You can't treat everyone by the same rules," that is also true.

    Because you can't expect everyone to be tactful always. People won't care if the other person they're talking to are having a terrible situation psychologically. That is not how it works EVERYTIME.

    So what can we do? Adapt I guess. We CAN'T expect EVERYONE to be tactful.

    Like me, who had been tactful before can't be tactful now AS ALWAYS.

    Harumaki June 15, 2024 4:26 am
    I disagree with you on "we have to be tactful always"I'm also the type to be tactful when saying things cuz I know there's someone who is sensitive. Which proves me wrong.I became so tactful I ended up not sayi... Cid

    I see, I understand what you mean. Thank you for your input! I think it really depends on the case. My use of the word 'always' was kind of wrong. I think we have to have balance between both ways.
    But it's not something I could do personally.... I worked as manager pharmacist in a public hospital and I had A LOT of rude patients and employees, to the point where we had people biting each other, peeing in our potted plants, doing scandals, filming us... But even with all of that, I always tried to gentle and tactful solving the problems. I understood the patients being mad of waiting so much for their medications, they are already sick and had to spend hours in cues. By other hand I also understood the employees, some times we had 700 patients/day in a tiny pharmacy, screaming with us.
    So I always listened to every complain, tried to show that I cared and would do something to help and also showed the other side. Thankfully, most cases ended well because of this.
    My supervisor, by other hand, was more blunt and pratical. He wasn't rude, but he would say the harsh truth to everyone in any place. Because of this we had a lot of complains and employees resigning (including me, he said so many harsh things to me that I gave up the job in the end). He wasn't wrong on most part, but he destroyed our psychological with his ways.
    That's why I think that being tactful is the best way. Not the most pratical, and really hard. But by experience, It's what I prefer.
    But I really don't think you're wrong! In the case of the webtoon, I don't even think the MC it's wrong hahahahaha
    But it's something that I really believe and I wanted to show asmiir my support.
    Sorry for the long post (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜