there are few things i dont understand or find it weird/stupid tho.. 1. why didnt MC puru...

pewpewpew June 15, 2024 1:18 am

there are few things i dont understand or find it weird/stupid tho..

1. why didnt MC purufy his father when pythons in there? i know she want to hide her identity, but befire the hunting, she can secretly purify him. but why not after that? did she wait for him to be on the bridge of death? i just dont understand why? and suddenly so eager to save her father after pythons got taken away

2. why jaust why did she thought its okay to meet the evil star alone with pythons? because she thought pythons can win against the evil star? but then pythons did lose before this so wth?

3. its called an evil star for a reason. because its evilllll so why did she believe it without any suspicion? i know she isn't very matured due to her past life being abused till death. but still tho, with her past life, she should develop this thing called 'trust issues'. what if the evil star doesn't even have any intention to release pythons but using that to used her more?

this stress me out but i do love some of the othe plots. i did read it till latest chapter, and the male characters did keep me going HEHE but yeah thats all ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Usotsuki June 17, 2024 4:23 pm

    I agree with all your points but I think most of them can be explained away by her being traumatized in the past ¯_(ツ)_/¯ also suddenly being put into a safe situation with multiple reliable protectors might have given her a false sense of invincibility. It's her first time being treated nicely after all, and pythons did take away her #1 source of pain and trauma.

    But lol let's be real it's just the authors weakness at writing, and probably she doesn't want the age rating to go too high by making it too serious and logical.

    Hello DEAR June 17, 2024 6:16 pm

    Well for your first point I can say that it is because it hurts so without the little guy it is soooooo painful