rereading this after the latest update!!!

melon June 15, 2024 1:47 am

CANT HELP BUT FALL IN LOVE AGAINN! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! so cute and it warms my heart so much! kami and waki are both adorable and eanderinggg

and i hated taguchi in volume 1 but seeing him apologize and realized it was just internalized homophobia all along ughhh~ I WANT TO SEE A STORY OF HIM AND HIS COLLEAGUE PLEASE LET IT HAPPEN MANGAKAAA

anddd i just did not like that part of waki's neglectful mother tho like ik that's just her character but i cant get pass through how she just come off as plainly rude and egoistical and how it's her coping mechanism is to be rude to waki and not act like a mother instead of making it up to him :(((
