Am I dumb lol I keep seeing people talk about the art change and I guess I might be reading to many books at the same time. Because my dumb ass never noticed it so I went to chapter 1 to see why people are complaining and yah I'm stupid and I see why they are mad but I'm in it for the long run I just wanna see how it ends( ̄∇ ̄")
No same, if the story is good I don’t Care much about the art. Do I appreciate it? Yes but I don’t notice it much. But I also hate when ppl complain about the art like it takes away from the story.
Am I dumb lol I keep seeing people talk about the art change and I guess I might be reading to many books at the same time. Because my dumb ass never noticed it so I went to chapter 1 to see why people are complaining and yah I'm stupid and I see why they are mad but I'm in it for the long run I just wanna see how it ends( ̄∇ ̄")