He treated her HORRIBLY during the time they were together and he hasn’t fully reflected on why she’s actively avoiding him. Of course she doesn’t want to get back with him, his change in behaviour is the complete opposite of the way he treated her while they were married and it’s weird. Anyone would be suspicious, wouldn’t they??

You cant ignore the fact they are insanely compatible and he needs her to survive. Even if he DIDN'T still love her he could force her to stay with him by using a shitty reason like fulfiling a duty to your country. Even more straightforward he can just threaten her with her familys life and knowing her she would keep quiet about it ( remember he needs her so he dont go crazy and die)
Also just like you said he did a 180 on her, whos to say he won't do it again, only this time for the worse.
He is a duke, he as power and authority and her family isn't powerfull and capable of going against them if it comes down to it ( i think they are a family of knights i dont recall)
Shes in a shitty situation and im just saying she gotta be carefull cause nobody aint going anywhere just cause she tells them she dont like them.
Then again I could be reaching too far with all this and over analysing way too much

Well i was calling her dense for not making a better analysis of the situation she is in (her ex from another world is here and the most crazy, he's now in love with her???)
Nahh, but even if she falls in love again it better be after he has gone through the same thing she went through.
PS. Even if he loved her in the past as well and was just bad at showing it (considering the fact that he was in a different world and was tricked and trapped in there), it doesn't invalidate the pain she went through. She still felt it no matter his intentions.
I hope this makes it easier to understand where I was comming from
Why is she soo dense, hes at your feet crawling common, if your not going to fall for him again at least make use of him, hes THE DUKE. I cant