Damn, the author is really doin a good job of keeping me guessing on this foreign god. Zeu...

Asuka June 14, 2024 10:06 pm

Damn, the author is really doin a good job of keeping me guessing on this foreign god. Zeus/Jesus/Thor/Neptune/Apollo?

    popcorn June 14, 2024 10:25 pm

    never beating the jesus allegations i fear

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 15, 2024 5:37 am

    Long shot : what about Dionysus

    Asuka June 15, 2024 1:54 pm
    Long shot : what about Dionysus TurtleThatAteABorgir

    Oooo I like! That would make perfect sense as to why he's simpin on Seth so hard (and he loves his wine)

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 15, 2024 3:00 pm
    Oooo I like! That would make perfect sense as to why he's simpin on Seth so hard (and he loves his wine) Asuka

    And it'll also intensify his rivalry with Horus cuz they're both of demi-god origin (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    CeCemmm June 15, 2024 4:29 pm

    Isis called him for war originally, so maybe Ares/Mars? But I do enjoy the Dionysus theory!

    Yarichin Bitch Club Manager June 15, 2024 11:02 pm
    never beating the jesus allegations i fear popcorn


    Meruemshu June 16, 2024 8:55 am
    Long shot : what about Dionysus TurtleThatAteABorgir

    No. Dionysus looks like a woman.

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 16, 2024 10:33 am
    No. Dionysus looks like a woman. Meruemshu

    He's portrayed effeminate in the later portrayals, whereas in the early Greek art he was portrayed as a bearded man, therefore both representations are correct

    Not to mention, being a god definitely gives you the ability to disguise yourself, and that this is a fictional story where the creator has taken multiple creative liberties, so it wouldn't be surprising if they give Dionysus beard too

    But hey it's a theory, Dio is a fun guy let us have fun :D

    Meruemshu June 16, 2024 11:14 am
    He's portrayed effeminate in the later portrayals, whereas in the early Greek art he was portrayed as a bearded man, therefore both representations are correctNot to mention, being a god definitely gives you th... TurtleThatAteABorgir

    This god has none of Dionysus' attributes and he acts like Zeus and has his mentality. Your shot is indeed a very, very, very long one.
    Dio is fun and cool I agree, that's why he's my favorite greek god, but this has nothing to do with him leave my boy be.

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 16, 2024 12:06 pm
    This god has none of Dionysus' attributes and he acts like Zeus and has his mentality. Your shot is indeed a very, very, very long one.Dio is fun and cool I agree, that's why he's my favorite greek god, but thi... Meruemshu

    Ikk, I just don't want that Zeus of a guy anywhere near my boy Seth so lemme be delulu

    Whoelsetherealone June 24, 2024 3:11 pm

    The time of gods in Egypt was before the first Pharaoh. The real Ennead story is happening during that era and is talking about how Horus access the throne and set up the ruling cast of the Pharaoh (his descendants). So in short, it is the story that put into motion the Age of Men (which is also the plot of this story), meaning it is happening before the golden age of Egypt which happened during the copper age (between 4000bc and 2000BC)

    Greece and Rome wasn’t even existing back then. We are like 2000 years before the Ancient Greek religion arises. Same for the Celtic religion (Viking and Gaules). So no Thor, Zeus or such thing. At that time, they are just starting to be in their proto-form.

    Furr guy is already a powerful god, where he comes from. We saw him with an army. Which cannot be from a god whose culture isn’t born yet.

    The other culture existing then is the Mesopotamian one: Assyrians, Babylonians. Akkadian and such who happened to be neighbours of Egypt and not so found of each other (Which could explain Isis disdain of fur-ball custom if he comes from there).

    Actually, there was one god in that religion, a younger god at that time, that was pretty powerful and worshipped along other powerful gods such as Ishtar. A warrior god named Yahvé. That will become later, around the time of the first Pharaoh, the god of the Hebrew tribe.

    So in my opinion, it cannot be Jesus. Like timeline wise, he isn’t even existing. Nor a European god, since they have yet to arise. I believe it is more plausible that it is a Mesopotamian god. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that god is Yahvé.

    And since Yahvé is Jesus’s Father, maybe that is why he would be drawn like that.


    Asuka June 24, 2024 8:59 pm
    The time of gods in Egypt was before the first Pharaoh. The real Ennead story is happening during that era and is talking about how Horus access the throne and set up the ruling cast of the Pharaoh (his descend... Whoelsetherealone

    I was trying to think about timelines as well, and that's why I was having such trouble. Since I know the author likes to be true to the Gods of the time, I am pretty sure she wouldn't lapse and make Jesus appear, so Yahvé makes a lot of sense! He fits the bill with what few clues we have: Came from another land, Is also a God in his own land, Young, Possible God of War. You just blew my mind - Thank you! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Whoelsetherealone June 25, 2024 2:43 am
    I was trying to think about timelines as well, and that's why I was having such trouble. Since I know the author likes to be true to the Gods of the time, I am pretty sure she wouldn't lapse and make Jesus appe... Asuka

    You very welcome. <3 And Thank you for your kind reply.

    The couple of times I brought it up in other discussion wondering who fur guy is, I was told that I was taking things too seriously and that they would continue to call him Jesus because he looked like him... So it is nice to have a positive feedback. (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)

    If you curious, I could tell you how the worshipping of Seth and Horus evolved after that which could give a hint of what awaits them in the story ahead.

    TurtleThatAteABorgir June 25, 2024 10:15 am
    You very welcome. <3 And Thank you for your kind reply. The couple of times I brought it up in other discussion wondering who fur guy is, I was told that I was taking things too seriously and that they would... Whoelsetherealone


    Whoelsetherealone July 1, 2024 7:00 pm

    Alrighty. So for Horus

    Like I said he will established the first human kings dynasty. Because for a while they are said to descend directly from him and Hathor (So yeah they technically have children's together). Then around the end of the golden age of Egypt, the cult of Ra will come back over run the cult of Horus. That changes comes with the Ramses lineage, and the Ra from Ramses actually is a reminder of the god Ra (to insist on their divine origin). From their the real Pharaoh has we know it (king of the southern Egypt and the northern Egypt) will be born as supreme kings of Egypt.

    Now the fun part concerning Seth.

    It is said that he does go to take care of Ra's boat for a while but not for eternity. His cult come back in later years in the southerner part of Egypt, then it takes routs in Africa, Mesopotamia (where I suspect our beard god comes from) and in later later year Greece. But that part is way after the golden age of Egypt and during Alexander the great expansion when he takes over Egypt, and Greece take over the kingdom. Cleopatra was Greek after all, not Egyptian, and her and her ancestor to be accepted on the throne merged the gods from Greece with the gods of Egypt. So Osiris became Zeus, Isis became Hera, Hathor became Aphrodite etc.

    The interesting part about Seth is that his cult didn't really died but merge with other, like the cult of Ba'al. there are lots of version in what happened to him after Horus defeated him. Depending on which year of the Egypt history his tale was told. The version where Horus killed him is more recent. In the earliest version, he was spare and send to Ra's boat. but in one version he didn't remained there. He return and ruled over the southern part of Egypt while Horus over the northern part of Egypt. Which would be at the origin of the division of Egypt. The two of them was told to have rule in harmony after Seth become a more claimant god and ruler. This version probably coincide with how his cult took roots in the southern part of Egypt and spread in northern Africa and on the East part in Mesopotamia, before blending with the Acadian and Babylonian origin.

    Of course this is just how religion evolve. Culture takes on a belief, grows it and adapt it to their tradition. But based on how it did evolve in our history, I believe that in this story; maybe, Seth isn't going to really disappear. He will rule, along with Horus, then blend with another cult. Probably becoming Baal. Who will become later Balzebuth or Lucifer, the most beautiful angel in the Hebraic (and later Christian) culture.

    What people doesn't necessary know is that lots of the demons in Christian culture (Satan, Balzebuth, Lucifer etc.) are actually benevolent Babylonian gods. When the religion made the shift from polytheism to monotheism, all those gods became evil gods then evils figures. Probably to kill of cult and belief. The same way Greek gods blend in with Egyptian gods to allow a Greek ruler on the throne of Egypt.
    In any case, Seth is to not really disappear. He is changing into a new type of god that will survive end of the Egyptian gods. While the cult of Ra will just be absorbs by Greek culture several centuries from that points when Greek will conquered this region.

    Whoelsetherealone July 1, 2024 7:02 pm

    (my bad for all the spelling and grammar error)

    TurtleThatAteABorgir July 2, 2024 1:18 am
    Alrighty. So for HorusLike I said he will established the first human kings dynasty. Because for a while they are said to descend directly from him and Hathor (So yeah they technically have children's together)... Whoelsetherealone


    If they do follow this development for Seth its gonna be A M A Z I N G OMG

    Also, does this essentially mean that one of the first initial appearance of Lucifer was Seth?

    Oh oh and! Who's Ba'al? Can you tell me ABOUT them ifydm?


    Asuka July 2, 2024 10:41 pm
    Alrighty. So for HorusLike I said he will established the first human kings dynasty. Because for a while they are said to descend directly from him and Hathor (So yeah they technically have children's together)... Whoelsetherealone

    If you're not a scholar then I'll eat my hat! I feel like I took a full "History of Egyptian Gods" class - thank you so much for taking the time to educate us!! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Whoelsetherealone July 7, 2024 5:01 am
    HOLY SHIT If they do follow this development for Seth its gonna be A M A Z I N G OMG Also, does this essentially mean that one of the first initial appearance of Lucifer was Seth?Oh oh and! Who's Ba'al? Can you... TurtleThatAteABorgir

    "Also, does this essentially mean that one of the first initial appearance of Lucifer was Seth"

    In fact it is more that the cult of Seth blend with already existing cult in Mesopotamia. A bit like a particle that would attach itself on something already existing.

    Through the rise of ancient Egypt (3000 BC) to its end (30 BC) along with the Sumerian/Babylonian and their peers of the Fertil Crescent (3000-2000 BC), the rise of Judaism (2000BC) and the birth of Roman and Greek empire (1000BC), cultures have kinda clashed and blend and merged and reinvited themselves. Because they were told by human, mostly orally and new ruler often targeted belief that didn't aligned with them. Having multiple gods make that, for the same Patheon, several god can come and go as being on top, depending on which god the ruler worshiped, changing there origins story to be more accepted. That is why there is not one Ennead story, that the fate of Seth changes throughout history, and that even Anubis origin's changes. Some text claims that he is Seth's son, other that he is Osiris. Some even claims that Seth and Anubis were one god at one point, and other that Ra birthed him.

    The Mesopotamians gods were especially subject to such variants, as sometimes the same god could have different names, depending on the region they were worshiped, or several god could share the same role.

    In case of the evolution of Seth's cult, it is more that his story got mixed up with Ba'al and some other gods from that region, until it became one. It is later, way later, when Judaism spread up that all those gods were blended together, ending up in the Thora as false gods or given an association to Satan. Lucifer, Badan, Hammon, Belzebuth and the rest are at the same time several different figures and a single one. Since those name were often traded between the same gods in that region, it is reflecting in the Judaism as well. That is why lots of people confuse Lucifer or Belzebuth with Satan, despite them being normally different beings.

    So no, Seth isn't the first instance of Lucifer. They were more like two separate streams that flow down a bigger river and got carried by the flow of time. To be fair, I am not really fond of how monotheism passes all those gods as fake gods or demons, just to turn people away from their cults. But that is how the cookie crumbles.

    "Who's Ba'al? Can you tell me ABOUT them ifydm?"

    No, I don't mind. :)

    So Ba'al, or Baal (or Baal Hadad or Baal Hammon) is a bit of your everything god in Mesopotiamia. His origins are Akkadians, but he was mainly worshiped among the Canaanite-Phoenician.
    To put it on the map, the Canaanites were a pretty important Ethnic group during the bronze Age (around 2000BC). They were nomadic tribes that were localized in North Africa and the Fertile Crescent. And are a bit the roots of the Hebrew tribe, but also the Arabic's ones and some other African tribes. Their official land is around where the Promise Land that Moises searched for 40 years was (the woman he married, Sipora, was Canaanite if that help you to visualize it, but that is during Ramses 2 time, so much later than what we are talking about here).

    The Canaanite also had roots in Egypt, which is why there is this existing bridge were some Egyptian Gods blend in their culture at one point.
    As for the Phoenicians, they were a sedentary group, set up in the North East of Egypt along the Mediterranean sea side, so the land that would be Lebanon and Israel today. Altogether they were part of the Semitic group, who where a group spread through North East Africa (with a modern day ref it is all together Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Jordany, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, the United Arabic Emirate and Oman) (And yes I pulled out a map for this because it is a big region...)

    Back to the Canaanite/Phoenician:
    Among some of their initial Gods, Ba'al at the same time a popular one, and also not. Ba'al is both a god and a title.

    You see, Ba'al means "lord". It was used to refer to gods in general or "A god" such as the supreme god or the creator. In various case, it refers to a specific god, Ba'al Hadad (or Hamon) who was the god of fertility, rain, storm and also an ally in war. Furthermore, he was a god who took part in humans battles, a skilled warrior, meaning that he was concerned with the states of Man and didn't mind being on the battlefield for them.

    Here the interesting thing: Unlike Egypt, who take their agriculture power from the Nile's annual flood, the Phoenicians were dependent of the rainy season during Fall. While in many culture, Summer is the most revered season, as it is the season of fruits, for the Phoenician, it is the fall, as the summer is the season of drought and nothing could grow well. Ba'al who was the god of Rain and storm, therefore became also associated to the God of Fertility. So it was a powerful god (but not as much as El, the supreme god (similar to Zeus or Ra' status). The same way Isis was one too as she was associated to the Nile fluctuation.

    Since such power was bestowed upon him (Rain, storm Fertility), his mythos was also reflecting his mightiness. He is especially famous for the Ba'al cycle where he defeated "death" and took the role of King of gods. I am not going to give you the entire story but it basically goes like this: El (The supreme god) is to nominate a new king of the Gods. Ba'al is convinced to be chosen, but the god Yamm is chosen instead. Yamm is an horrible ruler. But everyone abide until Yamm want to coerce a goddess to sleep with him in exchange of some clemency in his ruling. Everyone agree she should sleep with him but not Ba'al. He is pissed at how Yamm is disrespectful and defeat Yam after a long fight. He took his seat. But the god of Death call treason and usurpation. He tries to kill Ba'al and fail. Ba'al passes for dead, vanish for a period (which is used to explain the summer season where there is no rain) then come back to defeat death (the arrival of the rainy season). Death Acknowledge Ba'al and he rules.

    The important part is how close this story is from the Ennead mythos. Even if here, Ba'al is technically Osiris and Horus at the same time. That tale is the same as several other mythology existing through the Fertile Crescent at that time: It is the description of the transition of power from an older god to a new form of gods and a the clash between chaos and order, which is the theme of Ennead as well.

    Depending on who is telling the story, the figures holding the role of the chaos varies. In Ba'al cycle, it is Yamm, but later in the Judaism culture, it is Ba'al. That switch from order to chaos for Ba'al, is probably what allowed Seth some association to him. Around the time, the Judaism started to take on some power and Ba'al started to switch from good perception to an evil position. The same way Seth's reputation change through history.

    So he wasn't really associate with Seth (his actual association with Belzebuth is stronger than the one with Seth. If Anything Osiris, would be a better comparison), but I recall reading about how Seth cult cross the border of South Egypt and some of his story blended with other gods story such as Ba'al, the same way Ba'al turned from benevolent figure to an evil one in Judaism. Also how Lucifer origins remains vague and often interchangeable with Belzebuth and Satan. And since Belzebuth is technically Ba'al, that is why I made the comparison.

    I hope this satisfy your curiosity. To be honest, I had to reread a few things to make sure I wouldn't give bad info. Most of it are things I have read in the past, but as you can tell, it is a huge pile of nods. So if you want to read a good article about it here is the link to the source I was using here:


    Whoelsetherealone July 7, 2024 5:03 am
    If you're not a scholar then I'll eat my hat! I feel like I took a full "History of Egyptian Gods" class - thank you so much for taking the time to educate us!! (●'◡'●)ノ Asuka

    Ahaha I am not a scholar. I just really like Mythology and Religion study. Been reading about it since I was a kid. So I just got years of trivia to share.