You do realize your argument is pretty stupid because a lot of men also read toxic BL, right?
The fetish cliche is just old at this point. the fetish allegations were started by homophobes who were mad that some women were reading it, and women were the ones reading it not because no man liked it, but because society tolerated it only when it was women reading it.
Reading yaoi has nothing to do with fetishes most of the time and it's ridiculous to use that stupid allegation to appear woke.
It is weird that some people don't like "role switching" or whatever but usually it stems from a place of not liking to change their habits, and liking boxes etc. It extends to other parts of their life and usually they grow out of it.
I grew out of it with time and experience, it had nothing to do with fetishes. So sometimes when you don't know something it's better to shut up.

Oh and you're mixing things up, first of all your ass had no business reading jinx because it's a toxic BL and you werent the target audience, I bet you are one of those BJ Alex readers that have no business reading it and still insist to read it just to cry about it because you like being a parasite.

And for OP: clearly you seem to just be replying to a minority of comments probably posted by younger readers.
You made it way deeper than it actually is or needs to be. A big part of BL is inspired by heterosexual gender roles and dynamics, even gay relationships were for quite some time.
The idea of changing roles etc is actually pretty recent not only in gay relationships but also in homoromance. So a LOT of BL, if not a majority, still has seme-uke dynamics inspired from heterosexual dynamics.
However people are "against it" out of habbit and it's truly not that deep. They will grow out of it as they keep seeing it. It also happened with alpha x alpha stories. It's truly not that deep.
At least they announce their departure and leave, unlike the moral police who likes to stick around toxic BL and annoy everyone. So I don't see how them actually leaving bothers you.

Also you may want to lower your expectations. Just because you've read one single story from that author doesn't mean they are going to keep that direction forever.
'cause we had the same problem with the mother fuckers who thought Jinx was just going to be as soft as BJ Alex.
This story might actually get incredibly toxic, especially since I'm seeing chains and obsessions and stuff, they might just have a fight and have the uke rape the seme. You don't know so better just lower your expectations.

Hey asshole. I am aware that it's not only girls that read and watch BLS. I checked out jinx bc. BJ Alex was ok and I wanted to see if the author would write a story thats not as shit as jinx. Idk why your feelings were hurt so much by my reply maybe you're projecting? But anyways. You do not know me and I've since dropped jinx and only occasional check on it to see what's going on. And I also didn't fucking say I was dropping this one you are the dumbass jumping to conclusions and blocking people bc you probs can't handle replies. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I hope you have day as shitty as your personality

If you only read yaoi and don't engage with other lgbtq content such as yuri then it definitely is a fetish. Women consume yaoi because of only one reason...they're attracted to men and in yaoi there are two (or more) men making out. It's the same with men consuming yuri content. Yaoi was literally created to be targeted towards straight women (creepy af). That IS fetishism. No matter what you say you can't run away from the reality.

Learn the definition of the words you use. I only read yaoi because I have no interest in Yuri just like I don't have an interest in straight stories.
And you can't just assume that someone is attracted to two men making out that's just weird on your part. Some lgbt people only read straight shit we don't call that fetishism. I know straight girls who only read Yuri that isn't fetishism.
Your assumption is especially ridiculous and baseless when you remember that straight romance, bl or wl web toons and mangas all have their own archetypes and subgenres that don't necessarily exist in the other forms of romances. Someone can just like the archetypes and subgenres in yaoi for example and therefore only read that. It doesn't mean they fetishize it.
Using big words for things that aren't actually that deep simply takes away all credibility from you it doesn't make you look smart or woke. There are some people who do fetishize, but those are a minority of people and usually very young.
There's much more to yaoi and Yuri than the homoromance in itself, which is why they are individual genres and not just romance. So please spare us your chronically online reality.
To reduce two individuals to their sexual positions, being focused on 'seme' 'uke' when only one SINGLE chapter is out is the most ridiculous and frankly, creepy thing I have seen in a while.
Ukes are often seen as women-adjacent, women identify with them while reading and BL relationships become exactly like heterosexual relationships with the uke being delegated to the role of a 'girl' as they are on the receiving end sexually. They get second male leads who want them, while the seme is generally possessive and obsessed.
People need to understand- They are both men. Period.
Over identifying with the uke cuz you see them in the girl's position is so weird. People would not hate on this webtoon of if the uke wasn't yandere and too 'manly'. Why? Can only semes be yandere? Are they both not men? If you're not used to such reversals atleast try to broaden your mind by reading stuff that makes you a little uncomfortable. Don't get used to the way things are. Everyone has preferences and that's okay. If you don't like it don't read. Simple. Drop it instead of leaving bad ratings and bad comments. That is so immature, reminding me how much of the population here are younger people who should not be reading smut in the first place.
This author wrote define the relationship which is one of the best webtoons imo. They write good, heartfelt stories and of you can't appreciate them stop leaving bad ratings and comments cuz again that's so petty and immature. All webtoons cannot cater to your individual preferences. Fiction has variety, do you really want to whine about that?
P. S. I wrote more than I expected.