I think it's important to note that people don't change sexualities, because it seems like...

Starsandmetaphors February 19, 2017 5:43 pm

I think it's important to note that people don't change sexualities, because it seems like a lot of you think they do. You are born a certain way and that does not change over time. If you are a girl, for example, and used to think ''Oh, I only like men'' but over time come to realize that your attraction is with both male and female, then you were NEVER straight to begin with. Realizing something later is not the same as a change of heart. If you think your gay, but find out later that you are straight, then you have always been straight. It's similar to the men (for example) who go through a sexuality crisis, thinking they're straight and trying to have a girlfriend. Then they find out they were never attracted to women to begin with. They didn't change--they simply came to realize who they really were and what they really wanted. Sometimes that takes time. Your sexuality is inborn and doesn't change; it simply 'presents' itself.

And with that said, I can't stand how unrealistic this manga was and super misleading too. From the title to the summary and to the tags; everything was misleading. This was just making light of what goes through a person when they're struggling with their sexualities. This should have been a gag manga or something similar, so I didn't bother myself trying to take this shit seriously.

    kim February 23, 2017 7:38 am

    I also have gay male friend he could be this guys twin there's nothing I wouldn't do for him I've even but him before my lover a few times when he was in a way, But there is no way in hell that something romantically would ever develop ones sexuality isn't like that. And she never had a homosexual relationship not even once her first relationship was headralsexual.

    kim February 23, 2017 7:39 am

    I also have gay male friend he could be this guys twin there's nothing I wouldn't do for him I've even but him before my lover a few times when he was in a bad way, But there is no way in hell that something romantically would ever develop ones sexuality isn't like that. And she never had a homosexual relationship not even once her first relationship was headralsexual.

    Anonymous March 1, 2017 12:26 am

    The title is definitely misleading and the author should have gone with something else. But as for changing sexualities I didn't see it that way. To me it seems like they were bi and they just didn't realize it until later on. It's normal for teens to have periods of confusion.

    Rintarou-kun July 24, 2017 6:19 pm

    I beg to disagree. I am a female and I have a boufriend. But my boyfriend is considered gay because he acts like a woman and is more feminine than I am. He even dreamed of becoming a women. We're still in a relationship now and I still love him even if he is more girly than I am.

    My point is being gay doesnt have to be in a relationship with the same gender or Being interested with the same gender. Even if you acts different from what your gender is, when love strikes you gender is irrelevant.

    Starsandmetaphors July 24, 2017 6:36 pm
    I beg to disagree. I am a female and I have a boufriend. But my boyfriend is considered gay because he acts like a woman and is more feminine than I am. He even dreamed of becoming a women. We're still in a rel... Rintarou-kun

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying at all. Your boyfriend is ''considered gay because he acts like a woman''? That is NOT what being gay is! Being gay is having an attraction to the same sex. How he acts or what his personality is has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS SEXUALITY. That's a grave mistake people make. How you act is not the same as what you like. Understand that.

    If he wants to become a woman, then that STIL has nothing to do with his sexuality, but everything to do with his gender, but That's A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SUBJECT.

    I don't understand what you're trying to say here, because it has nothing to do with my comment or the manga.

    Rintarou-kun July 25, 2017 3:57 pm

    I dont mean any harm on my comment. It seems that i pissed you off, apologies.

    I want to aske this sincerly: My boyfriend acts that way and I dont know if he still want to be a woman, so what do they called?

    Starsandmetaphors July 25, 2017 6:05 pm
    I dont mean any harm on my comment. It seems that i pissed you off, apologies. I want to aske this sincerly: My boyfriend acts that way and I dont know if he still want to be a woman, so what do they called? Rintarou-kun

    Don't worry, you didn't anger me. I was just trying to emphasize my point by capitalizing them :). If your boyfriend acts feminine, than that is just his personality, nothing to do with what for gender he likes. There are plenty of men who act girly but only have an interest in women, it's simply their personality. It's the same way some girls are tomboys, but like being with men. So the way he, or anyone for that matter, acts has nothing to do with their sexuality.

    IF he is no longer interested in woman, than that would mean he is gay.

    And if your boyfriend wants to BECOME a woman, than that would have to do with his gender identity. That would mean he doesn't like being a man and wants to become a woman. They're two different things. If he and you have questions about it, you can look up 'gender identity'. It might clue him in on some things he or you don't understand.

    kim August 7, 2017 1:11 pm
    I beg to disagree. I am a female and I have a boufriend. But my boyfriend is considered gay because he acts like a woman and is more feminine than I am. He even dreamed of becoming a women. We're still in a rel... Rintarou-kun

    That's where your wrong even before I found love I new I didn't see guys the same way as other girls did. they'd say he's so cute an id say really I couldn't see or feel what they seeing an feeling I was still to young. But it makes sense now you cant change the core of who you are no matter what the circumstances are. Going from Lesbian to straight in a day NO FREAKEN WAY!!!!!