i personally wouldn't as so much call them dense. they are both smart individuals. we have literally seen hyunsoo's thoughts, therefore i believe it should be understandable as to why he responded and acted that way to youngchan's confession. he has valid reasons to tell youngchan to wait. after all, it's a progress of their character development and being comfortable with each other.

i see. i mean it's only natural to want to be official after a confession especially in fictional romance. i don't think hyunsoo telling himself if offering a meal would've been better than ramyun is that big of a deal though, because what's important is what would've happened if youngchan did stay which i assume would just be them being awkward around each other, possibly.
It wasn't the ramyun my dude, he just didn't want to cry or have sex right after he said he'll wait for you I mean, it's charming, but these DENSE AF characters take 10 years off of my life each time