I, on the other hand, don't think this is a good idea, especially after seeing the latest chapters.
Phi has been having problems lately. In the most recent chapters, he kind of realized he has feelings for Apollo and now can't sleep with clients. In the last chapter I saw published (ch19), he was called to sleep with some important people (clients he couldn't refuse); however, in the end, he couldn't do it, which caused an uproar at the hotel. He can no longer do his job as before.
Honestly, I think this is very romantic because the same is happening with Apollo. Neither of them can be with other people.
I can relate to what Apollo felt when he saw Phi having an orgy for personal reasons
I know it’s harsh to say that I hope Phi quits his job if he ever ends up with the top, but I can’t help feeling this way
Rationally it would be more mature to agree on Phi keeping his job and Apollo having an open relationship with him
I’m way too monogamous for this Lmao