Moreover, this little piece of article (I'm ignoring the Tumblrina raging underneath as this is not a debate) proves nothing aside from the fact that there's a lot of CSEM going around on the internet, that CSA cases are spiking because of internet grooming and that when this was written the US committee that wrote the statement quoted got weirded out and vented about it. Congratulations
For someone as DUMB as you
Good luck trying to redeem yourself!! Pathetic.
LMAOOO you’re asking the wrong person honey. The anterior cingulate cortex can go off and on at times so people CANNOT differentiate between reality and fiction whenever. You’re right if you say “they CAN” but guess what? ACC deactivates when tired or out of their minds, and today’s world where stress is like oxygen, ACC can deactivate ANY TIME of the day, one more reason why the ACC could deactivate is, the heat. Did you know that the parital lobe CONSTRUCTS reality? Reality can be constructed through misinformation. What next?
Go fvck off if yall hate this kind of story.